3.21.090 Powers and Duties of the Committee.

City Code Section
  1. A. The Committee’s duties and powers are the following:
    1. 1. Conduct meetings. To schedule and conduct at least four meetings per year for the purpose of exercising the authority delegated to it in this Chapter. Quarterly meetings and hearings conducted pursuant to the Chapter will be subject to the Oregon Public Meetings Law, ORS 192.610 through 192.710. The number of Committee members required for a quorum will be five.
    2. 2. Gather community concerns. To participate in various community meetings to hear concerns about police services.
    3. 3. Recommend policy changes. To evaluate complaint, investigative practices, and other information to make policy recommendations to the Chief of Police, the Director, and the Council to prevent and rectify patterns of problems.
    4. 4. Advise on operations. To review methods for handling complaints and advise on criteria for dismissal, mediation, and investigation.
    5. 5. Hear appeals. To hold hearings of complainant or member appeals as defined in Code Section 3.21.160; to recommend referral to a final hearing before Council; to publicly report its findings, conclusions and recommendations.
    6. 6. Outreach to public. To advise and assist the Director to disseminate information about IPR and Committee activities to organizations in the community; to present reports to Council.
    7. 7. Create other committees. To create special purpose subcommittees or committees including other citizens to address particular short-term issues and needs.
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