City Code Section
- A. The Committee will consist of eleven citizens. Five members will constitute a quorum of the Committee. Decisions will be made by a majority of Committee members present and constituting a quorum. However, adoption or amendment of rules of procedures or protocols requires an affirmative vote of six members. The Committee members will be appointed as follows:
- 1. Committee staff will solicit applications to fill vacancies in the Committee’s membership from the Office of Community & Civic Life, the seven neighborhood coalition offices, Mayor and Councilors' offices, PPB advisory committees, and the general public.
- 2. The Director will appoint a committee that will recommend to the Director the appropriate number of nominees to fill impending vacancies. The selection committee will consist of three CRC representatives, either past or not applying for reappointment, two members of the community, and the IPR Deputy Director. Three of the selection committee members, including one CRC representative and the IPR Deputy Director, will serve as the interview panel.
- 3. Selection criteria will include a record of community involvement, passing a criminal background check performed by an agency other than the Bureau, and absence of any real or perceived conflict of interest. The selection committee will nominate individuals who are neutral, unbiased, and capable of making objective decisions. The Mayor and Councilors may each submit an applicant meeting these qualifications.
- 4. The Director will recommend nominees to Council for appointment.
- 5. In the event a majority of the Council fails to appoint a person nominated under the provisions of Code Section 3.21.080 the Director will initiate the process again within 30 days after the Council action.
- 6. In selecting Committee members, consideration will be given to the current composition of the Committee and appointments should be made that will cause the group to best reflect the demographic make-up of the community.
- B. The Committee members will:
- 1. Participate in orientation and training activities that may include review of Bureau and IPR procedures, participation in Bureau training to become familiar with police training, policies and investigative practices, including Police Review Board process, participate in ride-alongs with officers, to maintain sufficient knowledge of police patrol procedures.
- 2. Each serve a term of three years, subject to reappointment by Council. Upon expiration of the term, a committee member will serve until re-appointed or replaced.
- 3. Attend committee meetings or provide an explanation in advance for an absence.
- 4. Serve staggered terms to better ensure continuity.
- 5. Select a chair from among their members. Adopt such operating policies and procedures as necessary to carry out their duties.
- 6. Sign a confidentiality agreement.
- 7. Serve on the Police Review Board when the Board reviews use of force cases as defined in Chapter 3.20. Committee members will serve on the Police Review Board on a rotating basis for no more than two terms of three years.