The Chief of Police will maintain at police headquarters suitable means and appliances for taking and preserving fingerprints, photographs, and descriptions of persons. They will take or cause to be taken, recorded, and preserved one or more fingerprints and photographs, and a description of each person arrested and booked for the commission of a felony. Of each person arrested and booked for the commission of a misdemeanor or violation of a penal ordinance or Charter provision, they may, but is not required to, take and preserve one or more fingerprints, photographs, and a description. Such prints, photographs, and description will be made a matter of permanent record when evidence showing previous conviction or convictions of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of a penal ordinance or Charter provision will have been obtained.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure
Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.