3.20.010 General Organization.
The Bureau of Police, also known as “Portland Police Bureau,” will consist of the Chief of Police and such other positions as the Council may provide. The Bureau is responsible for the enforcement of law and order. The Chief of Police is the Commanding Officer of the police force and directs the police work of the City with the assistance of a Deputy Chief. The Chief of Police is directly responsible to the City Administrator for the proper functioning of the Bureau. For administrative purposes, the Bureau is made up of branches, each of which is commanded by an Assistant Chief or Commander and have personnel and such duties as may be assigned by the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief, subject to the approval of the City Administrator.
3.20.020 Appointment and Removal of the Chief of Police.
The Mayor appoints, subject to Council confirmation, and may remove the Chief of Police.
3.20.030 Authority of Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police, after having taken the oath of office, will thereafter, under the direction of the City Administrator, have command and control of the police force of the City.
3.20.040 Duties of the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police is a peace officer and must execute all processes directed to them by any magistrate of this State in criminal matters. They may make arrests for breach of peace or commission of crime within the limits of the City with or without a warrant as peace officers do under the laws of this State. They must exercise a vigilant control over the peace and quiet of the City. They will exercise such additional powers as may be conferred upon them by the ordinances of the City to enable them to carry out the objects and purposes of this Charter.
3.20.050 Subordinate Officers.
The Deputy Chief, Assistant Chiefs, Commanders, and Captains and other ranks or grades of police within the Bureau of Police will possess like power and authority as the Chief of Police with respect to peace officer powers, except as in provided this Chapter. The Chief of Police will have control over the Deputy Chief, Assistant Chiefs, Commanders, and Captains and all other employees of the Bureau of Police when they are on duty and will see that the City ordinances and rules, orders and regulations for the government of the police force are observed and enforced. They will have power to recommend for suspension to the City Administrator any subordinate officer, member or employee for a violation of the same as prescribed by the Civil Service rules.
3.20.070 Fees to Be Paid Over to Treasurer.
Any member of the Portland Police Bureau who receives a fee during the course of their employment with the City will turn the payment over to the City Treasurer.
3.20.080 Police Officers Receiving Gifts and Employing Attorneys - Penalty for Violation.
No member of the police force will for their own benefit, under any pretense whatever, receive or share in any present, fee, gift or emolument for public service other than the regular salary and pay, except by the consent of the City Administrator and Chief of Police, publicly given.
3.20.110 Duties of Police Force.
The police force of the City will at all times of the day and night within the boundaries of the City preserve the public peace, prevent crime, arrest offenders, protect rights of persons and property, guard the public health, preserve order, and generally obey and enforce all ordinances of the City Council and criminal laws of the State and of the United States.
3.20.140 Police Review Board.
- A. Purpose. The Police Review Board (Board) is an advisory body to the Chief of Police (Chief). The Review Board will make recommendations as to findings and proposed officer discipline to the Chief of Police.
- B. Powers of the Board:
- 1. Review incidents and investigations. Except as provided in Code Subsection 3.20.140 J., the Board will review incidents and investigated complaints of alleged misconduct by nonprobationary sworn officers (officers) who are employed by the Portland Police Bureau (Bureau) in the following cases:
- a. The supervising Assistant Chief, the Director of the Office of Independent Police Review (IPR) or the Captain of the Internal Affairs Division of the Bureau (IAD) controverts the findings or proposed discipline of the Reporting Unit (RU) manager pursuant to Code Section 3.21.120, unless the controverted findings are only as among the findings other than “sustained” (i.e. “not sustained,” “exonerated,” or “unfounded” findings).
- b. Investigations resulting in a recommended sustained finding and the recommended discipline is suspension without pay or greater.
- c. The following incidents involving use of force:
- (1) All officer involved shootings.
- (2) Physical injury caused by an officer that requires hospitalization.
- (3) All in-custody deaths.
- (4) Any use of force where the recommended finding is “sustained”.
- (5) Any other use of force case referred to the Board pursuant to Subsections 3.20.140 B.1.a. or e.
- d. All investigations regarding alleged violations of Human Resources Administrative Rules regarding complaints of discrimination resulting in a recommended sustained finding.
- e. Discretionary cases referred by the Chief, Branch Chief, or the IPR Director.
- f. In the event the involved member separates from employment prior to the date of the Board convening to hear the case, the Chief will have the discretion to direct the Board hear the case as scheduled or to reconvene to hear the case at a later date in the event the involved member returns to City employment.
- 2. Probationary sworn officers. The Board will review incidents and investigated complaints of alleged misconduct by Portland Police Bureau probationary officers when referred by the Chief, Branch Chief or the IPR Director. However, nothing in this section prohibits the Bureau from terminating the employment of a probationary officer without following the procedures of this section.
- 3. Recommendations to Chief. The Board will make recommendations to the Chief regarding findings and discipline. The Board may make recommendations regarding the adequacy and completeness of an investigation. The Board may also make policy or training recommendations to the Chief. The Board will make recommendations as to discipline based on corrective action guidelines. The guidelines will be developed by the Bureau in consultation with IPR or will be developed in collective bargaining.
- 1. Review incidents and investigations. Except as provided in Code Subsection 3.20.140 J., the Board will review incidents and investigated complaints of alleged misconduct by nonprobationary sworn officers (officers) who are employed by the Portland Police Bureau (Bureau) in the following cases:
- C. Composition of Board.
- 1. The Board will be composed of five voting members and eight advisory members. All Board members will be advised of every case presented to the Board. A quorum of four voting members, including the community member and the RU Manager or designee, and four Advisory members is required to be present to make recommendations to the Chief.
- a. Voting members.
- (1) One community member from a pool of community volunteers recommended by the IPR Director (or designee) and confirmed by the City Council.
- (a) Community members will be appointed for a term of no more than three years. Community members may serve two full terms plus the remainder of any unexpired vacancy they may be appointed to fill.
- (b) All community members, including Citizen Review Committee members, must meet at least the following qualifications to participate on the Police Review Board, except that requirements (ii) and (iv) below may be delayed and community members may still participate on the Police Review Board during a State of Emergency declared by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Oregon or the Mayor and requirements (ii) and (iv) will be met as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances of the State of Emergency:
- (i) Pass a background check performed by the Bureau.
- (ii) Participate in Bureau training to become familiar with police training and policies.
- (iii) Sign a confidentiality agreement.
- (iv) Participate in ride-alongs to maintain sufficient knowledge of police patrol procedures.
- (c) The Chief or the IPR Director (or designee) may recommend that City Council remove a community member, including a Citizen Review Committee member, from the pool for the following reasons:
- (i) Failure to attend training.
- (ii) Failure to read case files.
- (iii) Objective demonstration of disrespectful or unprofessional conduct.
- (iv) Repeated and excessive unavailability for service when requested.
- (v) Breach of confidentiality.
- (vi) Objective demonstration of bias for or against the police.
- (vii) Objective demonstration of conflict of interest.
- (2) One peer member of the same rank/classification as the involved officer. The peer member will be selected from a pool of Bureau representatives pre-approved by the Chief.
- (3) The Assistant Chief (or designee) who is the supervisor of the involved officer.
- (4) The Director of IPR (or designee).
- (5) A Commander or Captain who is the supervisor of the involved officer (RU Manager).
- (1) One community member from a pool of community volunteers recommended by the IPR Director (or designee) and confirmed by the City Council.
- b. Advisory members.
- (1) The Professional Standards Division Commander.
- (2) Representative from Bureau of Human Resources.
- (3) Representative from City Attorney’s Office.
- (4) The Internal Affairs Division Manager.
- (5) Review Board Coordinator.
- (6) Representative of the City Administrator
- (7) Representative of the Training Division.
- (8) The Bureau Equity Manager (or designee).
- c. Representatives/individuals that may also be present during the presentation of the case include:
- (1) Union representative for the involved member.
- (2) Involved member.
- a. Voting members.
- 2. When the incident to be reviewed by the Board involves any use of force, including all officer involved shootings, all in-custody deaths, any physical injury caused by an officer that requires hospitalization, and any use of force case referred to the Board pursuant to Code Subsections 3.20.140 B.1.a. or e., the Board will include one additional community member drawn on a rotating basis from the pool of current Citizen Review Committee members (as those members are described in Code Section 3.21.080), and one additional peer member, for a total of seven voting members. A quorum of six voting members, including two community members, and the RU manager or designee, and four Advisory members is required to be present to make recommendations to the Chief.
- 3. Citizen Review Committee members serving on the Board will be subject to the same qualification and removal standards as other community members of the Board.
- 4. A Citizen Review Committee member who participates in a Board review of an incident cannot participate in a later appeal to the Committee of the same allegation(s).
- 5. Removal from participation on the Board will not affect Citizen Review Committee membership.
- 1. The Board will be composed of five voting members and eight advisory members. All Board members will be advised of every case presented to the Board. A quorum of four voting members, including the community member and the RU Manager or designee, and four Advisory members is required to be present to make recommendations to the Chief.
- D. Access to information.
- 1. All members of the Board will have access to necessary and relevant documents and an equal opportunity to participate in Board deliberations.
- a. The Bureau and IPR will develop a Bureau Directive establishing confidentiality provisions and distribution timeline provisions of Board materials.
- 2. The RU manager or designee will provide a written recommendation of the findings, reasoning for the recommendation and disposition recommendation.
- 1. All members of the Board will have access to necessary and relevant documents and an equal opportunity to participate in Board deliberations.
- E. Board Facilitator.
- 1. The Board will be facilitated by a person who is not a voting member of the Board. All PRB facilitators will be neutral and will not be influenced in their work as a facilitator. PRBs will occur as expeditiously as possible. To schedule PRBs expeditiously, the following order for obtaining a facilitator will be used when scheduling a PRB:
- a. A person who is not employed by Portland Police Bureau, which may include someone who is not an employee of the City or someone who is from another City bureau or office; or
- b. The Bureau Review Board Coordinator.
- 2. In selecting a facilitator who is not a City employee or is a City employee in a bureau or office that is not PPB, the Bureau and IPR will:
- a. Develop a Bureau Directive establishing selection criteria and confidentiality provisions for the Facilitator(s); and
- b. The voting members of the Board will schedule a meeting to recommend a pool of facilitators based on the Bureau Directive referenced above in Subsection 3.20.140 E.2.a., and will submit the recommendation for approval of the City Administrator in accordance with City contract rules.
- 3. The Board Facilitator will write the statement of recommended findings and discipline and a summary of any training and/or investigation issues or concerns on behalf of the Board and submit the statement to the Chief within two weeks of the Board meeting date.
- 1. The Board will be facilitated by a person who is not a voting member of the Board. All PRB facilitators will be neutral and will not be influenced in their work as a facilitator. PRBs will occur as expeditiously as possible. To schedule PRBs expeditiously, the following order for obtaining a facilitator will be used when scheduling a PRB:
- F. Board recommendations.
- 1. The Board will prepare a statement of its recommended findings and proposed discipline, if any, in every case for submission to the Chief. Such statement will include:
- a. The Board’s recommended findings, a brief explanation of the Board’s rationale for its recommendation, and a record of the Board’s vote.
- b. In the event that the Board is not unanimous, the statement will contain a portion detailing the minority’s recommendation.
- 2. The Board Facilitator will write the Board’s statement of recommended findings, proposed discipline, and a summary of any policy training and/or investigation issues or concerns on behalf of the Board and submit the statement to the Chief.
- a. IPR and the Bureau will develop a Bureau Directive setting forth the timeliness provisions of the statement.
- 1. The Board will prepare a statement of its recommended findings and proposed discipline, if any, in every case for submission to the Chief. Such statement will include:
- G. Appeal of Board recommendation.
- 1. As provided in Code Chapter 3.21, once the Board has prepared a statement of proposed findings relating to complaints of alleged misconduct of an officer during an encounter involving a community member, the complainant or involved officer may have the opportunity to appeal the recommended findings to the Citizen Review Committee.
- 2. Until the appeal period allowed by Code Chapter 3.21 has expired, and if an appeal is filed, until there is a final decision by the Citizen Review Committee, City Administrator, the Chief may not issue proposed discipline or make recommendations to the City Administrator.
- 3. The Director of IPR, the Chief of Police, or City Administrator may request an expedited hearing by the Citizen Review Committee of an appeal when deemed necessary due to the nature of the underlying complaint.
- H. Action by Chief of Police and City Administrator. After receiving the Board’s statement described above and after the appeal period allowed by Code Chapter 3.21 has expired, or if an appeal is filed, after the Chief receives the Citizen Review Committee or the Council’s recommendation in accordance with Code Chapter 3.21:
- 1. In the following cases, the Chief will make a recommendation regarding the appropriate findings and level of discipline to the City Administrator:
- a. Investigations resulting in a sustained finding and the proposed discipline is suspension without pay or greater.
- b. The following incidents involving use of force:
- (1) All officer involved shootings.
- (2) Physical injury caused by an officer that requires hospitalization.
- (3) All in custody deaths.
- (4) Any use of force where the recommended finding is "sustained”.
- 2. In the cases described in Subsection 1. above, the City Administrator will make the final decision on findings and discipline, consistent with obligations under state and federal law, City Charter and collective bargaining agreements.
- 3. In all other cases, unless the City Administrator exercises authority over the case, the Chief will make the final decision on proposed findings and discipline, consistent with obligations under state and federal law, City Charter and collective bargaining agreements.
- 4. In all cases where the Chief’s and City Administrator’s final corrective action is outside of the range recommended by the discipline guide, the Chief and City Administrator will provide an explanation in the final discipline letter of the reason or reasons for imposing discipline outside of the recommended range. The Chief and City Administrator will not be required to disclose information that is confidential or otherwise protected against disclosure. The cumulative report of discipline imposed outside of the recommended range will be included in the PPB semi-annual report.
- 1. In the following cases, the Chief will make a recommendation regarding the appropriate findings and level of discipline to the City Administrator:
- I. Public reports. As often as deemed necessary by the Board, but at least twice each calendar year, the Board will publish public reports summarizing its statements of findings and a summary of any training and/or investigation issues or concerns. Except as provided otherwise in this Subsection, the reports will keep confidential and not include involved officers’ names, the names of witnesses, or the name of any complainants. The reports will be written by the Board facilitator. The reports may not be released before a final decision, including discipline if any, is made by the Chief or City Administrator.
- 1. The public reports will include the following for each case brought before the Board:
- a. Allegation(s) heard by the Board.
- b. A factual summary of the case.
- c. Summary of the Board’s discussion.
- d. Record of the Board’s vote, including recommended findings and discipline.
- e. Training and policy recommendations, including whether the recommendations were accepted by the Chief.
- f. The final decision of the Chief or City Administrator.
- 2. The public reports will include the names of involved officers and witnesses in cases of officer involved shootings or in custody deaths where the names of such persons have previously been publicly released in connection with the incident, unless confidentiality or non-disclosure is required by statute, a court order, an administrative order, or a collective bargaining agreement. Where the names have not been previously released, the report may include the names if the public interest requires disclosure or if nondisclosure would undermine the public’s confidence.
- 3. The public reports will include any stipulated agreements where a final decision has been reached.
- 1. The public reports will include the following for each case brought before the Board:
- J. Stipulated findings and discipline.
- 1. The following categories of cases are not eligible for stipulated findings and recommended discipline: cases involving alleged use of excessive force; those categories of cases listed under Subsection 3.20.140 B.1.c.; cases involving alleged discrimination, disparate treatment or retaliation; reviews of officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths; and cases in which the Chief or the City Administrator does not agree to accept the member’s proposed stipulation to findings and recommended discipline. These categories of cases, if they otherwise meet the criteria for review by the Board, will go through Board review and recommendations.
- 2. The following categories of investigations are eligible for stipulated findings and recommended discipline without review by the Board when the involved member elects, with the concurrence of the Chief and the City Administrator, to accept the proposed findings and recommended discipline of the RU Manager following a full investigation of the alleged misconduct, issuance of investigative findings and concurrence with the findings by the Independent Police Review, the Professional Standards Division and the member’s Branch Chief:
- a. First time offenses that fall under Category A through Category C of the Police Bureau Corrective Action Guide.
- b. Second time offenses that fall under Category A of the Police Bureau Corrective Action Guide.
- c. First time off-duty driving while under the influence offenses that fall under Category C of the Police Bureau Corrective Action Guide. To be eligible for stipulated discipline for an off-duty driving under the influence offense, there can be no other driving-related violations or charges and the member must comply with all court ordered conditions of a diversion or delayed prosecution.
- d. In an investigation involving multiple sustained violations, the violation with the highest category from the Police Bureau Corrective Action Guide will be used to determine whether the case qualifies for stipulated discipline.
3.20.150 Fingerprints, Photographs and Records of Identification.
The Chief of Police will maintain at police headquarters suitable means and appliances for taking and preserving fingerprints, photographs, and descriptions of persons. They will take or cause to be taken, recorded, and preserved one or more fingerprints and photographs, and a description of each person arrested and booked for the commission of a felony. Of each person arrested and booked for the commission of a misdemeanor or violation of a penal ordinance or Charter provision, they may, but is not required to, take and preserve one or more fingerprints, photographs, and a description. Such prints, photographs, and description will be made a matter of permanent record when evidence showing previous conviction or convictions of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of a penal ordinance or Charter provision will have been obtained.
3.20.160 Police Chief to Make Rules and Regulations.
The Chief of Police will have authority, subject to the approval of the City Administrator, to issue such administrative rules and regulations in addition to those embodied in the Charter and this Code, as are necessary to govern the conduct of the members of the Bureau of Police, and to provide for the adequate functioning of the Bureau.
3.20.170 Uniforms.
The following rules will apply to uniforms for employees appointed to the Bureau of Police:
- A. The Chief of Police will, subject to the approval of the City Administrator, prescribe specifications for police uniforms and establish rules, regulations and conditions of wearing thereof;
- B. Upon report from the Bureau of Police the City Administrator will designate which items of the uniform specified by the Chief of Police under Subsection A. above will be furnished by the City to those employees required to wear the prescribed uniform in performance of their normal and usual police duties. Each new employee will be furnished a complete set of designated items of uniform. All other employees will be furnished designated items of uniform on the basis of replacement when needed as determined by the Chief of Police. Items furnished by the City will remain property of the City; and the Chief of Police will establish rules, regulations, and conditions for issuance and control thereof;
- C. The Chief of Police will have the authority to designate duty assignments which require dress other than the prescribed uniform. For such designated duty, no items of uniform will be furnished, and those employees affected will receive an annual cash clothing allowance in lieu of items of uniform furnished by the City. Clothing allowances will be paid in as determined by administrative rule.
3.20.180 Appointment and Removal of Police Reserves.
The Chief of Police is authorized, subject to the approval of the City Administrator, to appoint new members to the police reserve from time to time as need therefore arises and to accept the resignations and discontinue appointments from time to time in accordance with their judgment concerning the public welfare and safety subject to the approval of the City Administrator; provided that the total number of such reserves at any time will not exceed 200.
- A. Within the ranks of the police reserve the Chief of Police will designate which members of the reserve will serve as a special duty reserve unit. Members of the special duty reserve unit will assist the Bureau in performing Sunshine Division, charitable, search and rescue and other non-law enforcement related functions.
3.20.190 Application, Oath of Office, Compensation and Equipment of Police Reserves.
- A. Each new sworn member of the police reserve must complete an application provided by the Chief of Police, including fingerprinting for better identification.
- B. Sworn members of such police reserve will not be compensated unless specifically authorized and provided by the Council.
- C. Upon appointment each sworn member of the police reserve must take an oath of office, and such oath will be filed with the Auditor.
- D. Sworn members of the police reserve will serve at the pleasure of the Chief of Police and must wear a uniform prescribed by the Chief of Police. They must perform the duties and take training as directed by the Chief of Police. They must observe the rules of conduct applicable to paid police officers. They will, in the performance of their duties, be subject to the orders of commanding officers as designated by the Bureau of Police. They must, at all times, cooperate with paid police officers in the performance of their duties. While on any authorized assignment, they will be covered by the City’s self-insurance, as authorized under the provisions of the Oregon State Workers’ Compensation Act. The insurance will be in a form approved by the City Attorney. It is unlawful for any person whose appointment has been terminated to retain possession of or refuse to return any badge, identification or equipment issued to such person after demand for the return has been made by the City Administrator, Chief of Police or anyone acting under and by the authority of the City Administrator or Chief of Police. Sworn members of the police reserve will be subject to police duty only when authorized by the Chief of Police or designee.
3.20.200 Membership Card and Badge of Police Reserves.
The Chief of Police is authorized to furnish each member of the police reserve with a membership card signed by the Chief of Police and signed by the member for identification purposes, and will also furnish each member with a police badge.
3.20.210 Police Reserves Exempt from Civil Service.
No member of the police reserve will be regarded as a City employee or subject to civil service regulations.
3.20.230 Medical Examinations.
Whenever the Chief of Police is in doubt concerning the physical or mental ability of a member of the Bureau of Police to perform full police duties, the Chief will require that member, upon written notice, to submit to a medical examination. The examination will be conducted without expense to the member. Unexcused failure to take an examination required by this Section, after reasonable notice, will be cause for the member’s dismissal.
3.20.240 Membership.
The Bureau of Police consists of a Chief of Police, full time paid members, and members of the police reserve.
3.20.250 Fees for Report on Police Records.
The Bureau of Police will establish a schedule of fees and procedures for obtaining copies of reports, searching arrest records, accident photographs, fingerprinting, and all similar records services it performs. Except upon court subpoena, reasonable limitations may be placed upon the amount of information made available, the use for which it may be requested, and the persons entitled to receive it. The schedule of fees and procedures established under this Section will not be effective until approved by the City Administrator of the Bureau of Police. No fee will be charged to those agencies (or their representatives) who request such services for official use and who have as a primary organizational responsibility the apprehension, prosecution, or the direct supervision of the parole or probation, of criminal offenders.
3.20.260 Accountability and Disposition of Fees.
The Chief of the Bureau of Police will ensure that a full and complete record of all fees collected under that authority of this Chapter is kept and that all fees so collected are remitted to the City Treasurer as required by City Charter, Code, administrative rules or policies. The City Treasurer will credit the amounts so received to the General Fund.