3.15.030 Organization.

City Code Section
  1. A.  The Office of Management and Finance shall be under the direction and control of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and shall include such other employees as the Council may provide. The CAO shall be appointed by the Mayor who shall serve as the Commissioner-in-Charge of the Office of Management and Finance, unless the Council directs otherwise. The CAO shall report to the Mayor or the assigned Commissioner-in-Charge but shall serve for the benefit and interest of the entire Council, including providing information and advice to elected officials.
  2. B.  The CAO may appoint a Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (DCAO) to assist the CAO with planning, directing, and communicating the activities and operations of the Office of Management and Finance and all its associated bureaus.
  3. C.  The Office of Management and Finance consists of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Bureau of Revenue and Financial Services, the Bureau of Human Resources, and the Bureau of Technology Services.