Chapter 3.134 Office of the Portland Children’s Levy

City Code Chapter

(Chapter added by Ordinance 189192, effective November 9, 2018.)

3.134.010 Creation, Organization, and Purpose.

  1. There is established the Office of the Portland Children’s Levy.  The Office of the Portland Children’s Levy shall consist of the Director and such other employees as the Council may provide.  The Director shall report to the Commissioner in Charge.  The purpose of the Office of the Portland Children’s Levy is to administer the Children’s Investment Fund in accordance with the current measure enacted by voters of the City of Portland, Oregon.

3.134.020 Director’s Powers and Duties.

  1. The duties of the Director of the Office of the Portland Children’s Levy include, but are not limited to:
  2. A.  Overall administration of the Office and supervision of its staff;
  3. B.  Implementing the policy directives of the City Council, the Commissioner in Charge, and the tax levy approved by voters to fund the Children’s Investment Fund;
  4. C.  Proposing policies and practices to achieve the purpose of the Office, and adopt procedures and forms to assist in implementing City policies.

3.134.030 Duration and Dissolution.

  1. The Office of the Portland Children’s Levy shall remain in existence so long as the voters renew the Children’s Investment Fund and associated tax levy.  In the event the tax levy is not renewed by voters, the Office may exist thereafter only for such reasonable time as is necessary for the orderly closing of affairs of the Children’s Investment Fund.