Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Chapter 3.126 Emergency Management Steering Committee

City Code Chapter

(Chapter replaced by Ordinance 184740, effective July 13, 2011.)

3.126.010 Emergency Management Steering Committee.

(Amended by Ordinance 189462, effective May 17, 2019.) 

  1. The Emergency Management Steering Committee (EMSC) is hereby created for the purpose of assisting the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management in developing emergency management policies and procedures for incidents requiring significant interbureau coordination. 

3.126.020 Duties.

(Amended by Ordinance 185304, effective June 1, 2012.) 

  1. The EMSC’s duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
  2. A.  Assign lead author responsibility to specific bureaus for the development of emergency plans, including annexes and appendices to the CEMP, and approve schedules for plan completion, plan exercise, review and revision;
  3. B.  Develop strategic, response, and work plans in coordination with the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management defining the City’s emergency program goals and priorities;
  4. C.  Devise bureau-specific protocols for mobilizing resources to respond to emergencies;
  5. D.  Assess individual Bureau compliance with emergency plans;
  6. E.  Keep records of decisions;
  7. F.  Convene meetings at least monthly and at other times as requested by the Director;
  8. G.  Make periodic reports to the Disaster Policy Council so that the DPC can fulfill its duty under PCC 3.125.020.

3.126.030 Membership.

(Amended by Ordinances 185304, 189078 , 189462 and 191736, effective July 1, 2024.)

  1. The EMSC shall consist of qualified staff from the following Bureaus:
  2. A.  Water Bureau;
  3. B.  Portland Fire & Rescue;
  4. C.  Portland Police Bureau;
  5. D.  Bureau of Environmental Services;
  6. E.  Portland Parks & Recreation;
  7. F.  Bureau of Transportation;
  8. G.  Bureau of Emergency Communications;
  9. H.  Portland Bureau of Emergency Management;
  10. I.  Portland Permitting & Development;
  11. J.  Bureau of Technology Services;
  12. K.  Office of Community & Civic Life;
  13. L.  Bureau of Human Resources;
  14. M.  Joint Office of Homeless Services; and
  15. N.  Bureau of Revenue and Financial Services.