Chapter 3.110 Bureau of Hydroelectric Power

City Code Chapter

(Chapter added by Ordinance 147822, effective July 9, 1979.)

3.110.010 Creation and Function.

(Amended by Ordinance 161850, effective May 27, 1989.)

  1. There is hereby established a Bureau of Hydroelectric Power. The Bureau shall be administered by a Bureau Manager and shall have such other employees as the Council may provide. The Bureau shall supervise the construction and administer the operation of hydroelectric generating facilities owned by the City. It shall perform the duties and responsibilities required by any Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license and any agreements for the disposition of energy. The Bureau of Hydroelectric Power shall report to the Administrator of the Bureau of Water Works.

3.110.020 Jurisdiction.

  1. The Bureau shall supervise the construction and administer the operation of the City owned hydroelectric power generating facilities.