3.100.041 Contracts with City.

City Code Section

(Added by Ordinance 171418, effective July 23, 1997)

  1. A. Equal Opportunity Employer. An "Equal Employment Opportunity Employer" ("EEO Employer") is one who does not engage in the discrimination prohibited by Section 3.100.005 of this Code and who is certified by the Bureau of Purchases as an EEO Employer.
  2. B. Contracts with EEO Employers. The City has a compelling governmental interest to ensure that it is neither an active nor passive participant in legally prohibited discrimination. Therefore, the City will award contracts only to EEO Employers and will require that any subcontract to such contract be awarded to an EEO Employer. Any person, vendor, contractor, or entity of any type must be certified as an EEO Employer in order to be eligible to be awarded any contract from the City, unless the amount of all their contracts with the City total less than $2,500 in any single fiscal year or unless the contractor has been exempted from such requirements as determined by the Bureau of Purchases. As used in the Code provisions regarding EEO Employers, the term "contractor" shall include all persons, contractors, vendors and entities who are required to obtain certification. In addition, all persons, vendors or entities that wish to be subcontractors on City awarded contracts shall be certified as EEO Employers unless the total of their subcontracts is less than $2,500 in any single fiscal year or unless the subcontractor has been exempted from such requirements as determined by the Bureau of Purchases.
  3. C. Contracts Voidable. Any contract between the City and a contractor who is not EEO certified or exempt from EEO certification requirements is voidable at the option of the City, regardless of whether the contractor was EEO certified when the contract was awarded or executed. Similarly, a contract is voidable if the contractor subcontracts a portion of the work to a subcontractor or supplier that is not EEO certified or exempt from EEO certification requirements.