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Chapter 3.06 Office of the City Administrator

City Code Chapter

(Chapter replaced by Ordinances 191740 and 191973, effective January 1, 2025.)

3.06.010 Organization.

By Charter, the City Administrator is appointed by the Mayor, subject to Council confirmation. The Office of the City Administrator consists of the City Administrator and subordinate employees as authorized by budget. The City Administrator may appoint one or more Assistant City Administrator or Deputy City Administrator and may delegate Charter and Code responsibilities to the City Administrator’s appointees, and other subordinate offices and employments. In the event of a vacancy in the position of City Administrator, the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee will fulfill the responsibilities of the position until the office is filled.

3.06.020 Responsibilities.

The City Administrator has those responsibilities identified in the Charter and the Code. The Mayor may assign responsibilities and delegate authority to the City Administrator.  The City Administrator’s responsibilities are broadly construed. In addition to any other assigned responsibilities, the City Administrator, without limitations, may:

  1. A.  In consultation with the Mayor, align bureaus and all other offices and programs into service areas. 
  2. B.  Provide planning, policy development, project management and implementation, and fund management for City or intergovernmental programs.
  3. C.  Adopt administrative rules and procedures.
  4. D.  Carry out all quasi-judicial functions delegated by the Council.
  5. E.  Determine if any service should be provided by the City or outside vendors; manage public contracting under Portland City Code Chapter 5.10 and Portland Public Contracting Rules.
  6. F. Upon delegation by the Mayor, and consistent with the budget, authorize, negotiate, and execute all contracts, legally binding agreements, and intergovernmental agreements. 
  7. G. In consultation with the City Attorney to undertake action as allowed under ORS Chapter 46, appear in small claims court for recovery of money, damages or specific personal property, including asserting counterclaims, cross-claims, or third-party claims; issue writs to execute small claims court judgments.
  8. H. Manage all City assets. 
  9. I. Oversee and manage City security program and operations, and enforce Rules of Conduct and City Property Exclusions, in accordance with Chapter 3.18. 
  10. J. Oversee the management of public information, including internal and external communications and media requests.
  11. K. Oversee responses to the crisis of houselessness.   

3.06.030 Risk Management.

The City Administrator oversees the City’s Risk Management division, which is supervised by a Risk Manager. The Risk Management division will have the responsibilities described in Charter, Code, and policy and, without limitation, may:

  1. A. Administer, coordinate, and control all activities related to commercial and self-insurance including, but not limited to, property and casualty insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, liability insurance, and the City’s right to subrogation on these insurance programs. These activities include:
    1. 1. Obtaining a public liability insurance policy or providing the necessary funding through a self-insurance program protecting the City, its officers, agents and employees with limits of not less than the maximum statutory limits of liability imposed on municipalities of the State of Oregon.
    2. 2. Administering workers’ compensation insurance in accordance with the laws for the State of Oregon and on a self-insurance basis.
    3. 3. Maintaining records relating to commercial and self-insurance losses or claims filed against the City and executing any claim or proof of loss for damage to City property.
  2. B. Monitor and coordinate a City loss prevention and control program to minimize potential property, liability, fidelity and personnel losses.
  3. C. Evaluate and approve applications for self-insurance programs in lieu of commercial insurance requirements in any City agreement, including but not limited to contracts and permits.
  4. D. Act on behalf of the City on all matters related to workers’ compensation, including but not limited to the authority to:
    1. 1. Accept, deny, or defer claims;
    2. 2. Authorize payments of benefits in the amounts required by law relating to claims filed with the City; and
    3. 3. Enter into settlements of claims, whether through disputed claims disposition agreements or disputed claim settlements, subject to the provisions of the Charter governing settlements.
  5. E. Act on behalf of the City in the investigation, evaluation, and settlement of property damage, general liability, bodily injury, personal injury, employment practices, and other claims brought against the City under the Oregon Tort Claims Act or under state or federal civil rights laws, including complaints of discrimination filed with the Civil Rights Division of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, subject to the provisions of the Charter governing settlements. In doing this work, the City Administrator, Risk Manager, and designees will be agents of the City Attorney acting on behalf of the City. Settlement of claims and court actions alleging employment discrimination or violations of employees’ civil rights will be subject to concurrence of the City Administrator and the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources.
  6. F. Settle claims in amounts not exceeding $50,000, subject to the provisions of the Charter governing settlements.
  7. G. Settle fair and moral claims governed by Section 1-107 of the Charter.

3.06.040 Revenue and Financial Services.

The City Administrator oversees centralized financial services, revenue and tax collection, business regulation, treasury, procurement, financial reporting and compliance, pension oversight, municipal financing and debt management, and other financial or revenue services or responsibilities as may be assigned, and without limitation may: 

  1. A. Establish, maintain, and enforce financial and accounting, policies, rules, and procedures.
  2. B. Establish internal control systems to preserve City assets and report accurate financial results; interpret accounting and financial reporting policies and practices.
  3. C. Prepare reports of the City’s fiscal condition and conduct financial and compliance audits and other tests to determine compliance with City accounting and financial reporting policies and current professional standards and adequacy of internal controls over accounting transactions.
  4. D. Manage and oversee revenue development and collection activities, including but not limited to collection of debts, lien assessment and foreclosure, and regulation and collection of taxes; and, in conjunction with the City Attorney’s office, authorize legal action including litigation to recover debts owed to the City.
  5. E. Designate a City Treasurer to do the following, in addition to any other assigned responsibilities: manage centralized banking, merchant, and investment services; open, maintain, and close bank accounts in the name of the City; take custody of all moneys paid to the City for deposit and withdrawal; determine appropriate public funds investment; and administer foreclosure sale processes. A City Treasurer will not be liable for bank failure or bankruptcy, or loss of deposits in these situations, when deposits have been made in accordance with Charter, Code and policy.
  6. F. Administer the City’s debt management program, including but not limited to: providing technical assistance on financing programs, coordinating bond disclosure filings, overseeing municipal debt issuance and refinancing existing debt, and overseeing arbitrage compliance program.
  7. G. Manage and oversee all incoming federal, state, and private grants, and outgoing special appropriations grants and contracts.
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