City Code Section
(Amended by Ordinance 185877, effective March 1, 2013.)
- Special meetings of the Council may be held at any time upon a request signed by three members of the Council. A written notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be delivered by the Auditor to each member of the Council at his or her office in the City Hall, not later than 24 hours preceding the meeting. The Auditor shall also post on the City’s website and distribute electronically to interested persons a notice of the meeting containing a summary of matters anticipated to be considered, not later than 24 hours preceding the meeting. The Mayor, the President of the Council or any three members of the Council may call an emergency special meeting of the Council under any of the following conditions:
- A. A disaster which has occurred or is imminent;
- B. An emergency affecting or tending to affect the public health or safety;
- C. War or hostile enemy action;
- D. A civil defense alert on the immediate possibility of enemy action;
- E. An emergency declared by the Governor;
- F. An emergency declared by the President of the United States. The requirements contained in this Section for the agenda and for publication and notice of special meetings shall not apply, but the person or persons calling the emergency special meeting shall notify every other available Council member and the City Auditor or Deputy Auditor, and notification to the media and other interested persons is required. The minutes for the meeting shall describe the emergency justifying less than 24 hours notice. The notice must be appropriate to the circumstances. At an emergency special meeting only matters connected with the emergency shall be considered. No emergency special meeting shall be held without the presence of the Auditor, Deputy Auditor or Auditor’s designee who shall act as the clerk of the meeting according to appropriate provisions of the Charter and shall keep a full and complete record of the proceedings. An emergency special meeting shall be deemed to be in session upon the presence of a quorum, and consideration of any ordinance or resolution at an emergency special meeting shall be governed by the appropriate Sections of the Charter. No ordinance or resolution shall be considered at the emergency special meeting unless it is in writing and unless an original copy has been filed with the Auditor before action thereon. An emergency special meeting may be held at a place other than the Council Chambers but shall be open to the public and all provisions of the Charter relating to legislative acts of the Council shall apply to any ordinance passed by the Council at the emergency special meeting.