Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Chapter 29.90 Housing Receivership

City Code Chapter

29.90.010 Purpose and Scope.

  1. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish authority and procedures for the use of the Oregon Housing Receivership Act (ORS 105.420 to 105.455), and shall apply to all residential property.

29.90.020 Authority.

(Amended by Ordinances 176955 and 180330, effective August 18, 2006.)

  1. A.  When the Director finds that any residential property is in violation of Titles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, or 33 and believes that violation is a threat to the public’s health, safety or welfare, the Director may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver to perform an abatement.  As used in this Chapter, abatement shall mean the removal or correction of any condition at a property that violates any provision of Titles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, or 33 of the City Code as well as the making of other improvements or corrections as are needed to rehabilitate the property or structure.  Abatement may include demolition, but does not include securing a structure against entry.
  2. B.  In administering the provisions of this Chapter, the Director’s authority shall include, but is not limited to:
    1. 1.  The selection of properties;
    2. 2.  The selection of appropriate receivers; and
    3. 3.  The establishment of written rules and procedures as are deemed necessary for the administration of this Chapter.

29.90.030 Selection of Properties.

(Amended by Ordinance 180330, effective August 18, 2006.)  

  1. In selecting properties where the City may seek appointment of a receiver, the Director shall consider those properties that have, at a minimum, the following characteristics:
  2. A.  A violation of any provision of Titles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 or 33 that threatens the public health, safety or welfare;
  3. B.  The owner has not acted in a timely manner to correct the violations; and
  4. C.  Abatement of the violations on this property would further the Housing Policy of the City of Portland as articulated in Goal 4 of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

29.90.040 Notice To Interested Parties and Application.

  1. A. At least 60 days prior to the filing of an application for appointment of a receiver, the Director shall cause a notice to be sent by regular mail to all interested parties.
  2. B. The notice shall give the date upon which the City has the right to file with the court for the receiver, and in addition shall:
    1. 1. State the address and legal description of the property;
    2. 2. List the code violations which give rise to the proposed application; and
    3. 3. Give the name, address and telephone number of a person who can provide additional information concerning the violations and their remedy.
  3. C. If no interested party has taken any action to foreclose their security interest within 60 days of the date of the notice, the Director may thereafter apply for the appointment of a receiver.

29.90.050 Selection of Receivers.

  1. In selecting specific receivers, the Director shall choose either the Housing Authority of Portland, a City bureau, an urban renewal agency, or a private not-for-profit corporation, the primary purpose of which is the improvement of housing conditions within the City. In making the selection, the Director shall consider, at a minimum, the following:
  2. A. The location of the property relative to other properties owned or managed by the receiver.
  3. B. The receiver’s experience in rehabilitating and managing this type of property.
  4. C. The receiver’s capacity to take on additional property management responsibilities.

29.90.060 Powers of a Receiver.

  1. A receiver appointed by the court pursuant to the Oregon Housing Receivership Act shall have the authority to do any or all of the following, unless specifically limited by the court:
  2. A. Take possession and control of the property, including the right to enter, modify and terminate tenancies pursuant to ORS Chapters 90 and 105, and to charge and collect rents and apply rents collected to the costs incurred due to the receivership.
  3. B. Negotiate contracts and pay all expenses associated with the operation and conservation of the property, including, but not limited to all utility, fuel, custodial, repair, and insurance costs.
  4. C. Pay all accrued property taxes, penalties, assessments, and other charges imposed on the property by a unit of government, as well as any charge of like nature accruing during the pendency of the receivership.
  5. D. Dispose of all abandoned personal property found on the property pursuant to ORS Chapter 90.
  6. E. Enter into contracts and pay for the performance of any work necessary to complete the abatement.
  7. F. Enter into financing agreements with public or private lenders and encumber the property so as to have moneys available to correct the conditions at the property giving rise to the abatement.
  8. G. Charge an administrative fee at an hourly rate approved by the court or at a rate of 15 percent of the total cost of abatement, whichever the court deems more appropriate.

29.90.070 Plan and Estimate.

  1. Within 30 days after appointment by the court, a receiver shall submit to the Director a written plan for the abatement. The Director shall approve the plan before the receiver commences work on the abatement.

29.90.080 Record Keeping.

  1. The receiver shall keep a record of all moneys received and expended and all costs and obligations incurred in performing the abatement and managing the property. Records shall be kept in a form as shall be agreed upon by the receiver and the Director, and copies shall be provided to the Director upon request.

29.90.090 Purchasing.

  1. All abatement work done under this Chapter is exempt from the purchasing and contracting provisions of Chapters 5.32 and 5.68 of City code.

29.90.100 Liens.

  1. A. All moneys expended and all costs and obligations incurred by the receiver in performing the abatement shall be reviewed by the court for reasonableness and their necessity in performing the abatement. To the extent that the court finds the moneys, costs, or obligations, to be reasonable and necessary, it shall issue an order reciting this fact as well as the amount found to be reasonable and necessary.
  2. B. If the costs and obligations incurred due to the abatement have not been paid, the order of the court shall be filed with the county recorder within 60 days of its filing with the court and shall thereafter constitute a lien on the property.

29.90.110 Foreclosure.

  1. In the event that the lien created pursuant to the terms of this Chapter and the Oregon Housing Receivership Act is not paid in a timely fashion, the receiver or their assignee or other successor in interest may bring a suit or action in foreclosure as provided for by law.

29.90.120 Termination of Receivership.

(Amended by Ordinance 180330, effective August 18, 2006.)  

  1. The receivership authorized pursuant to the terms of this Chapter and the Oregon Housing Receivership Act shall terminate only by an order of the court after a showing by an interested party or the receiver that:
  2. A.  The abatement has been completed;
  3. B.  The costs and obligations incurred due to the abatement have been paid by an interested party or a lien has been filed pursuant to Section 29.90.100 of this Chapter; and
  4. C.  The interested party will manage the property in conformance with the applicable provisions of Titles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 and 33 of City code.
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