Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

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28.03.015 River Community Advisory Committee.

City Code Section

(Added by Ordinance 181437; amended by Ordinances 183597187664 and 191154, effective March 1, 2023.)

  1. A.  Purpose.  The River Community Advisory Committee is a citizen advisory body, representing those persons who own and/or occupy floating structures and/or boats, who operate and maintain marinas and moorages or who are involved in the design, construction, maintenance and/or regulation of floating structures.  The purpose of the Committee is to obtain timely input from that community in regard to development of procedures and administrative guidelines for implementing the City’s regulations of floating structures under Title 28.  The Committee advocates for and supports consistent and fair application and implementation of these regulations.  The Committee will provide public input to the Director by:
    1. 1.  Providing leadership and expertise on issues affecting floating structures;
    2. 2.  Providing feedback to the Director on the impact of potential regulations and administrative rules on floating structures, taking into consideration the full range of City goals and objectives;
    3. 3.  Providing recommendations for regulatory, code, and administrative rule changes affecting floating structures;
    4. 4.  Monitoring the application and enforcement of regulations for their effectiveness in achieving the City’s goals;
    5. 5.  Recommending customer service, permitting, process, and compliance improvements to the Director; and,
    6. 6.  Serving as an advisory board to the Director on processes and procedures under Title 28.
  2. B.  Membership.  The River Community Advisory Committee will consist of six members each appointed by the Mayor, and approved by the City Council.  The members will be selected to provide representation of those persons with knowledge or expertise on the unique construction conditions or the nautical history and traditions associated with floating structures.  Members will include representatives from any of the following categories: floating home resident, marina operator, floating structures contractor, floating structures design professional, yacht club member, and on the water business owner.
  3. C.  Appointments and Terms.  Appointment to the River Community Advisory Committee will be for a three-year term.  If a position is vacated during a term, it will be filled for the unexpired term.  Members of the River Community Advisory Committee will serve no more than two, complete three-year terms, unless the Director recommends approval of a longer term, and the Mayor and City Council approve the extended appointment.  Vacancies occurring prior to the end of a term for whatever cause may be filled by qualified persons through appointment by the Mayor for the remainder of the term.
  4. D.  Meetings, Officers, and Subcommittees.
    1. 1.  The River Community Advisory Committee will meet at least two times yearly and as otherwise necessary to conduct its business.  Any member of the River Community Advisory Committee may request that a meeting be held to conduct the Committee’s business.  Meetings will be conducted in accordance with adopted rules of procedure.  Four members constitutes a quorum.  A quorum is necessary to make decisions that represent the position of the River Community Advisory Committee and to conduct any other Committee responsibilities.  The election of officers will take place at the first meeting of each calendar year.
    2. 2.  The officers of the Committee will consist of a Chairperson and a Vice-chairperson.  The chairperson is responsible for conducting the meetings of the committee.  The Vice chairperson will act as chair when the chairperson is not available.
    3. 3.  The River Community Advisory Committee may divide its members into subcommittees which are authorized to act on behalf of the committee for an assigned purpose.  Subcommittee actions require the affirmative vote of at least three members.
  5. E.  Attendance.  Members of the River Community Advisory Committee are expected to attend each meeting of the committee.  The Mayor may replace any member who accrues unexcused absences from three or more consecutive meetings or more than 50 percent of the meetings in any year.
  6. F.  Compensation.  River Community Advisory Committee members will serve without compensation.
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