26.03.050 Violations and Penalties.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinance 187432, effective December 4, 2015.)

  1. A.  Violations.
    1. 1.  It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with the provisions of this Title.
    2. 2.  It shall be unlawful for any person to remove correction notices, proceed with electrical work, or cover defective work prior to approval by the Bureau.
    3. 3.  It shall be unlawful for any person to continue unauthorized work after issuance or posting of a stop work notice unless authorized by the Director.
    4. 4.  It shall be unlawful for any person to reconnect power to any structure, installation or equipment after issuance of a notice to disconnect or after such power was disconnected by the Director, unless authorized by the Director.
    5. 5.  It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, alter or destroy any notice to stop work or to disconnect power.
    6. 6.  It shall be unlawful for any person to overfuse any conductor, motor or apparatus in excess of the amount allowed by this Title.  It shall be unlawful for any person to install any substitute for an approved fuse or circuit breaker or to interfere with or alter any circuit or automatic device so as to remove or reduce the required factor of safety as identified in OAR 918.251 through 918.311.
    7. 7.  Electrical equipment which was unlawful at the time of installation, and which would be unlawful under this Title if installed after the effective date of this Title, shall constitute a continuing violation of this Title.
  2. B. Penalties.
    1. 1.  In the event the property owner or permit holder, or the agent of the owner or permit holder, fails or neglects to carry out any requirement, or fails to correct any noted violations of this Title, the Director may gain compliance by any of the remedies outlined in Chapter 3.30 of the Code of the City of Portland.
    2. 2.  Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of violating any of the requirements of this Title shall be subject to civil penalties.  Penalty amounts shall be those established in ORS, OAR and/or the Code of the City of Portland.
    3. 3.  When electrical work requiring a permit under this Title is commenced prior to obtaining a permit, the Bureau shall conduct an investigation and may issue a stop work order in accordance with Section 26.03.080.  (Exceptions to permit requirements are found in Chapter 26.04.)  The investigation may involve inspecting the site for violations, checking Bureau files, and notifying applicable parties.  The Bureau may charge an investigation fee equal to the average or actual additional cost incurred by the City of ensuring that the work done without benefit of a permit is in conformance with the Electrical Code and this Title. The Bureau will conduct an investigation before any permit is issued for the work.  The Bureau’s investigation may include determining the nature and extent of the work, checking the work for compliance with the Electrical Code and this Title, checking Bureau records and notifying applicable parties of the investigation results, including required corrections.  An investigation and investigation fee shall be required for any work done under a temporary permit when an electrical permit application and fee are not received or mailed within the time lines set in Section 26.04.070.