Election results

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Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Chapter 24.90 Manufactured Dwelling Installation and Accessory Structures, Manufactured Dwelling Parks, Recreation Parks, Recreational Park Trailer Installation and Accessory Structures

City Code Chapter

(Chapter added by Ordinance 169312; Amended by Ordinance 185798, effective December 12, 2012).

24.90.010 Purpose.

  1. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide minimum standards for the following:
  2. A. Installation and maintenance of manufactured dwellings and accessory structures.
  3. B. Development and maintenance of manufactured dwelling parks.
  4. C. Installation and maintenance of park trailers and recreational vehicle accessory structures.
  5. D. Development and maintenance of recreational vehicle parks.

24.90.020 Scope.

(Amended by Ordinance 185798, effective December 12, 2012.)  

  1. Regulation under this Chapter covers all installations or alteration of manufactured dwellings, recreational park trailers and other recreational vehicles, and accessory structures.  Regulation under this Chapter covers the development and maintenance of manufactured dwelling parks,  recreational vehicle parks, recreation parks, picnic parks, and organizational camps. 

24.90.030 Adoption of Codes and Regulatory Authority.

(Amended by Ordinances 176955, 185798 and 191736, effective July 1, 2024.)

  1. A.  Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code. The provisions of the State of Oregon, Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code, 2010 Edition, as developed at the direction of the Building Codes Division of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services through the Residential and Manufactured Structures Board, is hereby adopted by reference. The Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code is on file in the Development Services Center of the City of Portland.
  2. B.  Manufactured Dwelling and Park Specialty Code. The following provisions of the State of Oregon, Manufactured Dwelling and Park Specialty Code, 2002 Edition, as developed at the direction of the Oregon Building Codes Division Administrator through the Oregon Manufactured Structures and Parks Advisory Board, a copy of which is on file in the Development Services Center of the City of Portland, are hereby adopted by reference:
    1. 1.  All of Chapter One (Administration), except the following:
      1. a.  1-1.4 (Design Loads)
      2. b.  1-2.4 (Energy Conservation Equivalents)
      3. c.  1-3 (Manufactured Dwellings Sold “As Is”)
      4. d.  1-6.7 (Plot Plans Required)
      5. e.  1-6.8 (Plot Plans Not Required)
      6. f.  1-6.11 (Multiple-family Housing Plans)
      7. g.  1-7.12 (Manufactured Dwelling Installation Permits)
      8. h.  1-8.6 (Visual Inspections)
      9. i.  1-8.7 (Appliance Inspections)
      10. j.  1-8.9 (Alteration Inspections)
      11. k.  1-8.11 (Quality Assurance Inspections)
      12. l.  1-8.13 (Installation Inspections)
      13. m.  1-9 (Insignias and Labels)
      14. n.  1-10 (Certifications), except section 1-10.2.1 (Certificates of Occupancy Required) is adopted
      15. o.  1-11 (License Required) –all, except for introductory language and paragraph (h) in 1-11.3 (Electrical) and introductory language and paragraph (i) in 1-11.4 (Plumbing) are adopted
    2. 2.  All of Chapter Ten (Manufactured Dwelling Park Construction) and the corresponding tables and figures
    3. 3.  Appendix A (Definitions)
    4. 4.  Appendix B (Acronyms)
    5. 5.  Appendix C (Symbols)
  3. C.  The City of Portland through the Portland Permitting & Development (“Bureau”) adopts regulatory authority for the installation maintenance and alteration of manufactured dwellings and accessory structures as authorized in ORS 446.250 and 446.253, and OAR 918-500-0055; for the development and maintenance of manufactured dwelling parks as authorized in ORS 446.062 and 446.430 and OAR 918-600-0010; for the development and maintenance of recreation parks, picnic parks and organizational camps as authorized in ORS 455.170; and for the installation, maintenance and alteration of residential park trailers, other recreational vehicles and accessory structures as authorized in ORS 455.170 and OAR 918-525-0370.  Nothing contained herein provides regulatory authority when delegation of authority is expressly withheld by the State.

24.90.040 Definitions.

(Amended by Ordinance 185798, effective December 12, 2012.)  

  1. For the purposes of this Chapter definitions contained in Chapter 24.15 shall apply in conjunction with definitions found in ORS 446.003, ORS 455.010, OAR 918-500-0005, OAR 918-525-0005, OAR 918-600-0005 and OAR 918-650-0005.  Definitions in ORS or OAR shall take precedence over other conflicting definitions.

24.90.050 Administration and Enforcement.

(Amended by Ordinances 176955 and 185798, effective December 12, 2012.)  

  1. This Chapter shall be administered and enforced in conformance with applicable provisions of the 2010 Edition of the Oregon Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code, the provisions of the 2002 Edition of the Oregon Manufactured Dwelling and Park Specialty Code adopted by reference in Subsection 24.90.030 B. of this Chapter, and the Oregon Administrative Rules contained in Chapter 918 Division 500, 515, 525, 530, 600 and 650.

24.90.060 Special Regulation.

  1. Manufactured Dwellings and Cabanas installed on a residential lot shall be certified by the manufacturer to have an exterior thermal envelope meeting performance standards which reduce levels equivalent to the performance standards required of single family dwellings constructed under the state building code. Skirting and permanent enclosures shall be required for all park trailer and cabana installations.

24.90.070 Permit Application.

(Amended by Ordinance 185798, effective December 12, 2012.)  

  1. Permits are required for the establishment, construction, enlargement, alteration or removal of manufactured dwelling parks, recreation parks, and organizational camps.  Permit applications, plans and specifications and permit issuance shall conform to Section 24.10.070, and applicable Oregon Administrative Rules.  Permits are required for the installation or alteration of manufactured dwellings, recreational park trailers, recreational vehicles as defined in OAR 918-525-0005, and accessory structures.  Plans and specifications are required in conformance with Section 24.10.070 and applicable Oregon Administrative Rules except when:
  2. A.   All installation is within an existing manufactured dwelling park and all the installation is performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s approved installation instructions.
  3. B.   All installation is within an existing recreational vehicle or combination park, and all installation is performed under OAR 918-530-0005 through 918-530-0120.
  4. When the Director determines special installation or construction requires design by a registered engineer or architect, such design shall be submitted in triplicate and approved by the Bureau prior to commencement or continuance of installation or construction.

24.90.080 Violations.

(Amended by Ordinance 185798, effective December 12, 2012.)  

  1. Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter and/or any codes adopted herein shall be subject to the penalties as prescribed by law.

24.90.090 Appeals.

(Amended by Ordinances 185798 and 187432, effective December 4, 2015.)  

  1. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Bureau related to the application and interpretation of the Codes listed in Section 24.90.030 of this Chapter may request an administrative appeal with the Administrative Appeal Board in accordance with Section 24.10.075.  Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the Building Official made under Section 24.10.075 may appeal the decision to the appropriate Board of Appeal described in Sections 24.10.080, 25.07, 26.03.070 and 27.02.031.  Within 30 days of the final appeal finding by the Board of Appeal, an appellant who continues to be aggrieved may appeal to the appropriate State Specialty Advisory Board pursuant to ORS 455.690.