24.45.020 Minimum Surfacing Standards for Parking Areas and Garages for Passenger Cars and Trucks not Exceeding 1/2-Ton Capacity and Driveways Serving Structures 150 Feet or Less from an Improved Public Right-of-Way.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinance 173270, effective May 21, 1999.) 

  1. Surfaced areas shall be constructed on properly drained, well-compacted subgrade, that is free of organic materials. Minimum pavement structure shall be:
  2. A. Three and one-quarter inches Portland cement concrete having a compressive strength of 2,000 psi after 28 days, or
  3. B. One and one-half inches of asphalt concrete placed over a base of 4 inches of crushed stone or gravel, or
  4. C. Grid paving blocks, paving stones or materials with adequate spacing for drainage infiltration, or other stormwater management control surfaces. Where such surfaces are provided in accessible parking and as part of an accessible pedestrian path, the surfaces shall meet accessibility standards of the state building code.