Chapter 24.40 Use of and Projections Over Public Streets and Property

City Code Chapter

24.40.010 Street Use.

(Amended by Ordinance 169905, effective April 1, 1996.) 

  1. A person undertaking work covered by a building permit, may, on proof of necessity, be entitled to a permit for use of the street, sidewalks, and/or roadway. Applications shall be subject to the approval of the Traffic Engineer and the Director. Material or equipment necessary for the work may be placed or stored on public property in the following locations:
  2. A. On the roadway, adjacent to the curb in front of the site for which a building permit has been issued.
  3. B. On the roadway in front of an adjoining site.
  4. C. On the public sidewalk, in front of the construction site, except on those sidewalks required to be kept open. A street use permit shall be issued for a minimum period of 1 week and a maximum period of 90 days. The permit may be extended if in the judgment of the Director an extension is warranted by existing conditions. The use of the street by persons holding a permit and/or the fencing-off of street space shall not be continued longer than is necessary. If the permit for street use is within the Special Traffic Control Districts outlined in Section 17.23.030, the prior approval of the City Engineer must be obtained if the street use extends beyond the curb line.
  5. When work not requiring a building permit is undertaken for maintenance of buildings or structures in the congested areas where parking meters are located, the person undertaking such work shall not close off any portion of the sidewalk or roadway areas without first obtaining, subject to the approval of the Traffic Engineer, a street use permit; the time limit for such permit shall be as specified above. If the street use permit is within the special Traffic Control Districts outlined in Section 17.23.030, the prior approval of the City Engineer must be obtained if the street use extends beyond the curb line. While work is in progress, a roped-off passageway not less than 4 feet in width shall be maintained for pedestrians. This passageway shall be no closer, than 6 feet horizontally from any scaffold, ladder, machinery, or equipment. The passageway shall be entirely contained within the existing sidewalk area. The Director may also require pedestrian protection as outlined in Chapter 33 of the Structural Specialty Code. In order to ensure coordination of construction activity within the Street area and to provide that the private and public needs are met, the Director may also require a preconstruction meeting as outlined in Section 24.10.090 of this Title.

24.40.020 Dirt on Streets from Construction Projects.

  1. If dirt or debris falls on any public right-of-way and such debris originates from a construction project for which a building, plumbing, or electrical permit has been issued, it is unlawful for the permit holder and/or owner not to remove it immediately. Failure of either the owner and/or permit holder to remove the spillage within 24 hours after notification given either orally or in writing may result in the Director gaining compliance by any of the methods outlined in Section 24.10.060 of this Title.

24.40.030 Fees.

  1. Fees for street use shall be as indicated in Section 24.10 of this Title.