City Code Section
- A. Structural Specialty Code. The provisions of the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code 2022 Edition, as published by the International Code Council and known as the International Building Code 2021 Edition and amended by the Building Codes Division of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, including the appendices and standards adopted by the State of Oregon and Chapter 1, as amended by the Building Codes Division of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services effective April 1, 2021, are hereby adopted by reference. The Structural Specialty Code is on file in the Development Services Center of the City of Portland.
- B. Compliance with recognized standards. Where requirements of this Title do not provide necessary regulation or are not fully detailed with regard to processes, methods, specifications, equipment testing, and maintenance, standards of design, performance, and installation, and other pertinent criteria, the applicable standards and recommendation of the National Fire Protection Association, as set forth in its National Fire Code shall apply, a copy of which is on file in the City Auditor’s Office. Said volumes and all subsequent editions are hereby incorporated in this Title by reference.
- C. Application of other titles. Nothing in this Title is intended to permit the establishment or conversion of any structure or use of any land in any zone which is not in accordance with the applicable sections of Title 25 (Plumbing Regulations), Title 26 (Electrical Regulations), Title 27 (Heating and Ventilating Regulations), Title 33 (Planning and Zoning Regulations).
- D. Residential Code. The provisions of the State of Oregon Residential Specialty Code, 2023 Edition, as adopted effective October 1, 2023 and published by the International Code Council, and known as the International Residential Code, 2021 Edition, and amended by the Building Codes Division of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, including the appendices and standards adopted by the State of Oregon, are hereby adopted by reference. The Residential Specialty Code is on file in the Development Services Center of the City of Portland.
- E. 2021 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code. The provisions of the 2021 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code, consisting of Chapter 13 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code, 2019 Edition, ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 – 2019, as amended by the Building Codes Division of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, are hereby adopted by reference. The 2021 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code is on file in the Development Services Center of the City of Portland.
- F. International Building Code. The International Building Code 2021 edition, as published by the International Code Council, Chapter 32 in entirety and Chapter 33, Sections 3301, 3306, 3307, 3308, are hereby adopted by reference. The International Building Code is on file in the Development Services Center of the City of Portland.