21.12.010 New Service to Property Adjacent to Water Main.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinance 190811, effective June 10, 2022.)

  1. A request for a new service within the City and adjacent to a City water main is subject to the provisions of this code and the Annual Rates Ordinance.
  2. To obtain water service, the service connection must be along the front lot line of the property to be served and be adjacent to a right-of-way in which there is a public water main.
  3. When no frontage exists for landlocked parcels, whether existing or created through a land use process, or if installing a new service within a frontage causes an adverse risk as determined by the Water Bureau, the Chief Engineer may approve of a new water service within a private easement across a separate parcel(s) of land. The applicant must record the easement(s) prior to service connection.
  4. The Chief Engineer may approve of a new water service from a main within an existing public easement.  The service must be within the easement and be readily accessible for construction, maintenance and meter reading.
  5. If an application is made for service from a water main less than 6 inches in diameter, the connection will be deemed temporary unless such main was designated as a permanent main.  If the connection is temporary, the connection will not entitle the person or premises to have said main replaced with a larger main at the City’s expense.  The application for service from a 4-inch main or smaller will be deemed a waiver of any deficiency of supply, pressure or any other inadequacy, whether attributable to prior or future connections or extensions. The application will be deemed a covenant and the applicant must comply with all the provisions of this Title and the rules and regulations of the Portland Water Bureau.
  6. Any application for a new service outside the city limits must comply with all provisions of this code and the City’s Comprehensive Plan Policy 8.11, Annexation.

Upcoming and Recent Changes

Ordinance Number 190811

Effective Date