City Code Section
(Amended by Ordinance 187854, effective September 1, 2016.)
- A. No former City elected official shall, for a period of 2 years after the termination of the official’s term of office, lobby for money or other consideration a City elected official or their salaried at-will staff.
- B. No former salaried at-will staff of a City elected official, shall, for a period of 1 year after the termination of employment, lobby for money or other consideration any City elected official or their salaried at-will staff.
- C. No former City director shall, for a period of 2 years after termination of the director’s appointment, lobby for money or other consideration the current City director of the office or bureau to which the former City director was appointed or, regarding matters within the powers and duties of the bureau to which the former City director was appointed, the City elected official in charge of the office or bureau to which the City director was appointed.
- D. No Former City employee shall lobby a City Official for money or other consideration regarding a contract if the employee exercised contract management authority with respect to that contract while employed by the City. This prohibition shall be for the duration of the contract.
- E. The prohibitions in this Section shall not apply to:
- 1. Prevent any former City elected official or other City employee from representing himself or herself, or any member of his or her immediate family, in their individual capacities, in connection with any matter pending before the City;
- 2. The activities of any former City elected official or other City employee who is an elected or appointed officer or employee of any public body, when that former City elected official or other City employee is solely representing that agency in his or her official capacity as an officer or employee of the public body;
- 3. Any ministerial action. For purposes of this subsection, a ministerial action is one that does not require a City official or other City employee to exercise discretion concerning any outcome or course of action.
- 4. Prevent City officials or other City employees from seeking information or participation from former City elected officials or other City employees where the public interest would be served by the information or participation.