City Code Section
- A. City officials must file written reports documenting any gifts, meals or entertainment of $25 or more received from a lobbying entity, regardless of the entity’s registration status, or any person authorized to lobby on the lobbying entity’s behalf. Such reports must include:
- 1. Name of lobbying entity, and if applicable, name of lobbyist;
- 2. Subject of lobbying;
- 3. Value of gift, meal or entertainment; and
- 4. Date of receipt.
- B. City officials must file written reports after a lobbyist or lobbying entity, regardless of the entity’s registration status, has agreed to donate personal or real property to the City. Such reports must include:
- 1. Name of lobbying entity, and if applicable, name of lobbyist;
- 2. Gift or donation requested;
- 3. Purpose of donation; and
- 4. Date of request.
- C. The reports, if any, required by Subsections 2.12.070 A. and B. must be filed with the Auditor 15 days after the end of the calendar quarter. City officials, other than elected officials, are not required to file reports with the Auditor if the amount of the gift, meal or entertainment is less than $25 or if no gifts or donations have been requested in the calendar quarter.
- D. City elected officials and City directors must post their calendars of activities that reflect official City business 15 days after the end of the calendar quarter for the previous calendar quarter, unless the City Attorney or their designee determines that doing so would pose a safety threat pursuant to criteria contained in administrative rules developed by the Auditor in conjunction with the City Attorney’s Office.
- 1. Unless otherwise exempted, calendars required by this Section must note the date and length of scheduled official business that includes other City elected officials, City directors or outside parties. Calendar items must list primary participants or organizations in attendance.
- 2. Elected officials’ and City directors’ quarterly calendars required by this Section will be retained in accordance with City Administrative Rules, be posted publicly on the originating office’s website, and remain posted for a period of at least one calendar year.
- E. A City official may amend a quarterly report or published calendar without penalty if they file the amended report within 25 days after the end of the calendar quarter, unless the deadline falls on a weekend, City holiday, or a day when the City is otherwise not open for business, in which case the deadline moves to the next business day