2.04.140 Ballot Designations.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinance 177200 and 184947, effective November 18, 2011.)

  1. Measures referred by the Council shall be designated on the ballot “Referred to the People by the City Council.”
  2. B.  Advisory questions referred by the Council shall be designated on the ballot "Advisory Question Referred to the People by the City of Portland."
  3. C.  Measures proposed by referendum petition shall be designated on the ballot “Referred by Petition of the People.”
  4. D.  Measures proposed by initiative petition shall be designated on the ballot “Proposed by Initiative Petition.”
  5. E.  Measures proposed by the Charter Commission supported by an affirmative vote of at least 15 members of the Charter Commission shall be designated on the ballot “Referred to the People by the Charter Commission.”