19.12.010 Duties.
- A. It is the duty of the Harbor Master to inspect the harbor frequently and report any violation of this Title or any other title or any law respecting the use of wharves, docks, landings, vessels, watercraft, or harbor to the proper authorities of the City, County of Multnomah, the United States, or the State of Oregon, as the case may be to be acted upon as provided by law in cases where he/she is not empowered by this Title to act.
- B. The Harbor Master, to assure good coordination and develop cooperation, good management and control in the administration of their office, will develop a working liaison with the Captain of the Port United States Coast Guard, Director Port of Portland, Chief Navigation Branch Portland Dist., US Army Corps of Engineers, Director of the Oregon State Marine Board, Director of the Oregon Division of State Lands, and the Sheriff of Multnomah County.
19.12.020 Powers.
Whenever the Harbor Master finds it necessary for safe navigation or safety of the Port or harbor, the Harbor Master may order the Master or other person in charge of any vessel or watercraft to change its position or to change the position of the rigging, cargo, booms, or other equipment, or to do any other act necessary to remove obstruction to safe navigation. If the Master or other person in charge of the vessel fails or refuses to comply with the order of the Harbor Master, then the Harbor Master or their authorized representatives may remove the obstruction to navigation; and any expense resulting therefrom may be recovered by an action by law, if necessary.
19.12.030 Right to Inspect.
- To the full extent permitted by law, the Harbor Master or any duly authorized assistants, when engaged in fire prevention, and/or harbor inspection work, is authorized and directed, at any and all reasonable times, to enter and examine any building, mill warehouse, shipyard, dock, plant, boat, vessel, watercraft, or structure, either fixed or floating, in the performance of their duties.
19.12.040 Aid.
The Harbor Master may arrest any person or persons who violate any of the provisions of this Title, and the Harbor Master may call on the Chief of the Bureau of Police and/or the Chief of Portland Fire & Rescue who will aid the Harbor Master in the execution of their duties.