City Code Section
- A. No person may operate any motor vehicle registered for use on public roads at any time, or under any condition of grade, load, acceleration or deceleration in such a manner as to violate the maximum permissible sound levels or equipment standards for the category of vehicle as indicated in this Subsection.
- 1. Vehicles of 10,000 pounds GCWR (Gross Combination Weight Rating) or more, engaged in interstate commerce as regulated by 40 C.F.R., part 202, (1986), the provisions of which are incorporated by reference and three copies of which are on file in the Office of the City Auditor.
- 2. All other vehicles may not exceed the vehicular noise emission levels or equipment standards permitted by OAR 340-35‑030 (1) (a) and (c), three copies of which are on file in the Office of the City Auditor and which are adopted by reference.
- 3. No person may drive a motor vehicle on a public highway unless it is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise.
- B. No person may operate, and no owner of any motor vehicle may permit to be operated upon any public road, street, or highway, any motor vehicle so as to cause any greater noise or sound than is reasonably necessary for the proper operation of such motor vehicle.
- 1. No person may operate a motor vehicle on a street or highway with an exhaust system utilizing a cutout, bypass or similar device.
- 2. No person may operate a motor vehicle in such a manner as to cause or allow to be emitted squealing, screeching, or other such noise from the tires in contact with the ground because of rapid acceleration or excessive speed around corners or other such reason, except that noise resulting from emergency action to avoid imminent danger is exempt from this provision.
- 3. No person may operate any motor vehicle in excess of 10,000 pounds GCWR, in any residential zone of the City or within 200 feet of any dwelling unit, school, hospital or library, with a dynamic braking device engaged except to avoid imminent danger.
- C. No person may operate and no owner of property may permit the operation of an off‑road recreational vehicle so as to exceed the noise emission standards of:
- 1. OAR 340-35‑030 (1)(b) and (d) three copies of which are on file with the Office of the City Auditor, and which are adopted by reference.
- 2. Section 18.10.020 of this Title.
- D. No person may operate an off‑road recreational vehicle on private or public property unless the property has been designated for off‑road recreational vehicle use pursuant to Title 33, Planning and Zoning of this Code.
- E. A police officer, or noise control officer, who finds a vehicle or operator to be in violation of Subsection A of this Section will issue a citation to the operator. The citation will be accompanied by a written notice to the operator specifying the particular Subsections found to be in violation.
- 1. The citation will require the violator to appear at court to answer for the violation and present evidence that the violation has been corrected. The date for court appearance on the face of the citation will not be less than 28 days after the citation was issued.
- 2. The accompanying written notice will specify that if the violator presents proof to the clerk of the district court that the vehicle complies with the standards described in OAR 340‑35‑030 (1), (a) and (c) (1983), for the control of motor vehicle noise emissions, three copies of which are on file with the Office of the City Auditor and that are adopted by reference, the citation will be dismissed.
- 3. Proof for the purpose of this Section will be a certificate of compliance issued or approved by the Department of Environmental Quality. If said certificate is received by the clerk of the district court not less than 5 days prior to the date set for the violator’s appearance before the court, the citation will be dismissed without the necessity of the violator personally appearing before the court.