City Code Section
- Except as specifically provided for elsewhere in this Title, no person shall cause or permit sound to intrude into the property of another person which exceeds the limits set forth below in this Section. For purposes of this Section, “day hours” shall be between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., and “night hours” shall be between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- A. The sound levels established are as set forth in Figure 1 before any adjustments are applied:
(7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m., otherwise minus five dBA)
Zone Categories of Source | Zone Categories of Receiver (measured at property line) | |||
- | Residential | Open Space | Commercial/ Mixed Use | Industrial |
Residential | 55 | 55 | 60 | 65 |
Open Space | 55 | 55 | 60 | 65 |
Commercial/ Mixed Use | 60 | 60 | 70 | 70 |
Industrial | 65 | 65 | 70 | 75 |
- B. Adjustments to Figure 1.
- 1. During night hours, the sound levels of Figure 1 must be reduced five dBA.
- 2. During all hours, the sound levels of Figure 1 must be decreased five dBA for narrow band or steady sound (apply 1 only).
- 3. The adjustments provided herein are cumulative.
- C. If a dwelling unit or noise sensitive receiver is in a nonresidential zone of the City, the nonresidential standard normally applies unless:
- 1. a complaint is received, and
- 2. the dwelling unit or noise sensitive receiver type use predates that of the noise source. In that case, the permissible sound level, as measured at the lot line of the dwelling unit or other noise sensitive receiver, is 65 dBA in a commercial/mixed use zone and 70 dBA in an employment or industrial zone, each subject to the adjustments of Subsections 18.10.010 B., F., and G.
- D. Nonconforming use: The maximum permissible sound level that may be emitted from any lot containing a nonconforming use is the same as that permitted for the most restrictive zone in which the use would be conforming.
- E. When a sound source can be identified and its sound measured in more than one zone, each of the appropriate Sections applies at the boundaries between zones.
- F. Impulse sound: Notwithstanding the sound levels of this Section, no person may cause or permit the operation of an impulsive noise source that has a peak sound pressure level in excess of 100 dB during day hours or 80 dB during night hours.
- G. Octave band measurements: When the Noise Control Officer makes a finding that the frequency characteristics of the sound are such that the A‑scale levels specified in Section 18.10.010 are inadequate to protect the public health, welfare, or safety, octave‑band sound pressure level measurements must be performed.
- 1. Octave‑band measurements must be compared to the appropriate values indicated in Figure 2 for equivalent permissible dBA land use values; octave‑band sound pressure in excess of these standards will be considered evidence of a violation of this Title.
When the permissible dBA level is: The Maximum Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels Shall Not Exceed: - Octave Band Center Frequency, in Hz - 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 45 64 58 51 46 42 39 36 33 30 50 65 62 56 50 46 43 40 37 34 55 68 65 61 55 52 49 46 43 40 60 72 68 64 60 56 54 51 48 45 65 76 72 68 64 61 59 56 53 50 70 79 76 72 69 66 64 61 58 55 75 82 79 76 73 71 69 66 63 60 - H. When property of the receiver is unoccupied, as in the case of any undeveloped lot, sound levels in excess of those specified herein will be considered only as a technical violation of the standard. No citation will be issued in such instances, nor is corrective action required by the noise source.