Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Friday, Feb. 14, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Chapter 17.92 Street Designation

City Code Chapter

17.92.010 Administration.

  1. For public streets and private street tracts, the City Administrator will designate street prefixes, names, and numbers, keep records of such designations and exercise such other powers as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Chapter.

17.92.020 Prefixes for Street Designations.

  1. A. Burnside St east of the Willamette River is designated as East and the prefix "E" is added to the street name.
  2. B. Burnside St west of the Willamette River is designated as West and the prefix "W" is added to the street name.
  3. C. All streets east of the Willamette River, north of the centerline of Oregon St and west of the centerline of Williams Ave are designated as North and the prefix "N" is added to the street name. Williams Ave and the portion of Oregon St west of the centerline of Williams Ave are designated as North and the prefix "N" is added to the street name.
  4. D. All streets east of the Willamette River between the centerline of Burnside St and centerline of Oregon St are designated as Northeast and the prefix "NE" is added to the street name excluding Burnside St and excluding the portion of Oregon St west of Williams Ave. Oregon St east of the centerline of Williams Ave is designated as Northeast and the prefix “NE” is added to the street name.
  5. E. All streets east of the Willamette River north of the centerline of Oregon St and east of the centerline of Williams Ave are designated as Northeast and the prefix "NE" is added to the street name excluding Williams Ave. Oregon St east of the centerline of Williams Ave is designated as Northeast and the prefix “NE” is added to the street name.
  6. F. All streets east of the Willamette River south of the centerline of Burnside St are designated as Southeast and the prefix "SE" is added to the street name excluding Burnside St.
  7. G. All streets west of the Willamette River and south of the centerline of Clay St and east of the centerlines of Naito Pkwy and View Point Ter, and east of Tryon Creek State Natural Area are designated as South and the prefix "S" is added to the street name excluding Naito Pkwy and View Point Ter.  Terwilliger Blvd south of Palater Rd and north of the Clackamas County line is designated as South and the prefix "S" is added to the street name. The portions of Edgecliff Road, Iron Mountain Boulevard and Riverside Dr north of the Clackamas County line are designated as South and the prefix "S" is added to the street name.  Ridge Dr east of 46 feet east of the southerly extension of the centerline of View Point Ter is designated as South and the prefix "S" is added to the street name.
  8. H. All streets west of the Willamette River between the centerline of Burnside St and centerline of Clay St are designated as Southwest and the prefix "SW" is added to the street name excluding Burnside St.
  9. I. All streets west of the Willamette River south of the centerline of Clay Street and west of Naito Parkway, View Point Terrace and Tryon Creek State Natural Area are designated as Southwest and the prefix "SW" is added to the street name. Naito Parkway and View Point Terrace, all streets within Tryon Creek State Natural Area and Terwilliger Boulevard north of Palater Road are designated as Southwest and the prefix "SW" is added to the street name. Ridge Drive west of 46 feet east of the southerly extension of the centerline of View Point Ter is designated as Southwest and the prefix "SW" is added to the street name.

17.92.030 Designation of Streets, Avenues, Boulevards and Drives.

  1. A. All streets within the corporate limits of the City running in an easterly and westerly direction are designated with a "street" street suffix and all streets running in a northerly and southerly direction are designated with an "avenue" street suffix.
  2. B. Streets in Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, or Southwest Portland lying between two consecutively numbered north-south streets area designated with a "place" street suffix and take the underlying name of the street closest to the Willamette River.
  3. C. Streets in North Portland lying between two consecutively named north-south streets are designated with a "place" street suffix and take the underlying name of the street closest to Williams Ave.
  4. D. Streets in South Portland lying between two consecutively named north-south streets are designated with a "place" street suffix and take the name of the underlying street closest to Naito Pkwy or to View Point Ter.
  5. E. Streets lying between two consecutively named east-west streets are designated with a "court" street suffix and take the underlying name of the street closest to Burnside Street.
  6. F. The street suffix "drive," "lane," "terrace" or "way" may be used to designate winding or circuitous streets.
  7. G. Scenic, arterial or greenscape streets may be designated with a "boulevard" street suffix or with a "drive" street suffix in lieu of a "street" or "avenue" street suffix.
  8. H. All streets are designated by one name for the entire length.

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Ordinance 191452

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