Any person conducting a business within the City under a City franchise or permit, giving to such person the right to construct underground conduits or to lay pipes underground, must, before entering upon any street for the purpose of cutting into, digging trenches in, or opening any street preparatory to the construction of any conduit or to the laying of any pipes, wires, or cables, file with the Director of the Bureau of Transportation detailed plans and specifications of all the proposed construction work. Such plans must be drawn to a scale prescribed by the City Administrator and such specifications must state the manner of construction and the kind of materials proposed to be used. If the plans and specifications are satisfactory to the City Administrator, the City Administrator may issue a permit to the person filing them to construct the work. If the City Administrator does not approve the plans or specifications or orders changes made to them, the person submitting them must comply with the City Administrator’s requirements and must file new plans and specifications that are satisfactory to the City Administrator. If these are approved by the City Administrator, the person may then obtain a permit and proceed with the construction of the work. If in the performance of the work it becomes necessary to deviate from such plans and specifications, deviation may not be made until first approved by the City Administrator.
Upon completion of the construction for which a permit has been issued, a map showing the location at depths below the surface of the ground of all construction work done under the permit must be filed with the Director of the Bureau of Transportation. If changes have been made after the permit is issued, these changes must be shown in an easily distinguishable manner. The final map must bear a statement to the effect that the work done under the permit is correctly shown and must be signed by an authorized representative of the company doing the work.
The provisions of this Section apply both to dedicated right-of-way and to proposed right-of-way in approved land divisions that will be dedicated to the public upon plat recording. Permits issued for underground construction in proposed right-of-way require acknowledgment that the permittee will hold the City harmless against any liability that may occur prior to dedication of the right-of-way, and further acknowledgment that the permittee assumes all risk of loss that may arise in the event the City or any other public agency subsequently requires changes in or additions to plans or refuses to approve all or any part of permittee’s improvements. Permits may be issued only after street improvement plans have been approved.