17.40.060 Disposition of Leaves.

City Code Section

(Added by Ordinance 185351, effective June 22, 2012.)

  1. A.  All leaves collected from the public right-of-way shall be disposed of at the direction of the Director of the Bureau of Transportation who has the authority for the disposal of such materials.
  2. B.  The leaves collected from the existing right-of-way are often processed into compost which the City uses as erosion control and soil amendment.  If the City generates more of these recycled products then it can use, the Director of the Bureau of Transportation may sell or donate the materials.
    1. 1.  Pricing of the materials to be sold shall be based on current market price and reviewed at least biannually by the Bureau of Transportation.
  3. C.  The Bureau of Transportation, at the discretion of its Director, may levy a fee for accepting and processing leaves or other matter consistent with composting from third parties for the purposes of recycling.
    1. 1.  Pricing of this service (tipping fee) shall be based on current market price and reviewed at least biannually by the Bureau of Transportation.
  4. D.  Revenue generated by selling these materials and services shall be returned to the Bureau of Transportation.