17.38.030 Protection of Drainageway Areas.

City Code Section
  1. A.  Authority.  The Director may require drainage reserves or tracts over seeps, springs, wetlands and drainageways as necessary to maintain or improve hydrologic conveyance and water quality of natural and constructed channels, ditches, seeps, springs, intermittent flow channels and other open linear depressions.  Standards and criteria for imposing drainage reserves or tract requirements are adopted by administrative rule. Placement or sizing of drainage reserves does not relieve property owners of their responsibility to manage stormwater in a manner that complies with the duties of property owners under applicable law.
  2. B.  Required Management of a Drainage Reserve. Drainage reserves and tracts must be maintained to protect hydrology and water quality. No encroachments, such as but not limited to structures, culverts, excavations, or fills, may be constructed in drainage reserves or tracts unless authorized by the BES Chief Engineer.  All changes must also comply with other regulations as described in Title 33 and Title 24.
  3. C.  Implementation.  BES will identify drainageways and place drainage reserves as specified in the Stormwater Management Manual.