City Code Section
- The following fees are only applicable to certain user groups and are assessed in addition to other user charges. Users may be subject to one or more of these charges. The applicable charge rates are provided in the BES annual rate ordinance.
- A. Development review fees. The Council may establish fees for the review of development, including building plans and land use proposals, to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Title. The City Administrator may direct Portland Permitting & Development to manage the collection of these fees on behalf of BES. The City Administrator has the discretion and authority to waive all or a portion of development review fees and may adopt rules and procedures to refund, reduce, or waive development review fees in administrative rule or BES’s annual rate ordinance.
- B. Industrial wastewater permit fees. Permitted industrial users must pay industrial wastewater permit fees based on the level of permit complexity, regulatory history, and amount of BES administrative oversight. Fee components are based on whether an industrial discharger is a categorical industrial user, significant industrial user, or neither. Additional charges, including extra-strength charges, may be applied as described in this Chapter and administrative rule. Discharge rates are published in the BES annual rate ordinance, Binding City Policy ENB-4.20.
- C. Batch discharge authorization review fees. Users requesting authorization for controlled discharge of a discrete, contained volume of wastewater from their site must pay the batch discharge review fee. This fee reimburses the City for services including, but not limited to, site research, system capacity analysis, pretreatment and source control evaluation, permit administration, and monitoring. Batch discharge volumes are charged at the nonresidential sanitary sewer rate and may be subject to additional extra-strength charges. Discharge rates are published in the BES annual rate ordinance, Binding City Policy ENB-4.20.
- D. Construction dewatering permit review fees. Users requesting authorization for temporary construction dewatering to the public sewer must pay a dewatering permit review fee. This fee reimburses the City for services including, but not limited to, site research, system capacity analysis, pretreatment and source control evaluation, permit administration, and monitoring. Discharge rates are determined by the receiving sewer system as published in the annual rate ordinance, Binding City Policy ENB-4.20. Discharges to the sanitary sewer system may be subject to additional extra-strength sewer charges.
- E. Discharge duthorization (DA) review fees. Users that request or that are required to obtain a DA pursuant to Portland City Code Chapters 17.34 or 17.39 must pay a discharge authorization review fee. This fee reimburses the City for services including, but not limited to, site research, system capacity analysis, pretreatment and source control evaluation, permit administration, and monitoring. Discharge rates are determined by the receiving sewer system as provided in the BES annual rate ordinance, Binding City Policy ENB-4.20. Discharges to the sanitary sewer system may be subject to additional extra-strength sewer charges.
- F. Additional sampling fees. Additional City sampling and analysis beyond the cost already incorporated in other compliance or monitoring fees is based on cost-of-service principles and recovers the cost of materials and services provided by BES.
- G. Administrative fees and penalties. The City may charge administrative fees and penalties to users for, but not limited to, the collection of delinquent utility bills, processing special tax assessments, denial of entry, or falsification of records. Fees are published in the annual rate ordinance, Binding City Policy ENB-4.20, or are based on the City’s cost recovery principles.
- H. Charges for other services. For the provision of services for which a charge is not otherwise established by Code, administrative rule, or policy, charges will be calculated as provided in the City’s comprehensive financial management policies. Charges are calculated based upon cost-of-service principles and recover the cost of materials and services provided by BES.