17.36.040 System Development Charges.

City Code Section
  1. All development projects that create a new or increased demand on the public sewer and drainage system are subject to sanitary and stormwater SDCs. SDCs are intended to promote equity between new and existing customers by recovering a proportionate share of the cost of existing and future capital facilities that serve or will serve the developing property. 
  2. A. Sanitary System Development Charge. Sanitary SDCs for residential and nonresidential development are based on the net increase of sanitary flow to the public sewer and drainage system as measured by proposed drainage fixture units (DFU). For the purposes of calculating sanitary SDCs, DFU values are determined based on the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). The methodologies used to calculate sanitary SDCs and SDC credits are described in Administrative Rule ENB-4.05. Sanitary SDC credits, if available, remain with the property to which they were purchased and are not transferable.
  3. B. Stormwater System Development Charges. Stormwater SDCs for residential and nonresidential development are based on the net increase of impact on the storm system using measured square feet of stormwater billable area on a site. The methodologies used to calculate stormwater SDCs and SDC credits are described in Administrative Rule ENB-4.05. Stormwater SDC credits, if available, remain with the property to which they were purchased and are not transferable.
  4. C. Payment. Payment of SDCs is required prior to issuance of a building permit, connection permit, or plumbing permit.
    1. 1. Prepayment. A person may pre-pay connection charges by providing a letter of intent that includes the parcel description and address, if applicable, and an estimate of DFUs, stormwater billable area, and dwelling units. The Director may grant a refund at any time for excess charges at the rate in effect at the time of building permit or connection. Prepayment does not guarantee reserved system capacity or usage of public sewer and drainage system. 
    2. 2. Bonding. The Director may accept a cash or surety bond posted by the owner of the occupancy in lieu of immediate payment of the charge if:
      1. a. The amount of DFUs, stormwater billable area, or dwelling units for the occupancy cannot be determined before the permit is issued; or
      2. b. The Director has determined the amount of DFUs, stormwater billable area, or dwelling units for the occupancy but the applicant does not agree with the Director’s determination.
    3. 3. Deferral. Users who qualify to defer SDCs but who want to connect to the system can defer payment until such date as the Director may specify as authorized by ordinance. The charge in effect at the time of connection is applied at time of payment. Deferred connection charges are delinquent when not paid after a period of 90 days from the date due and bear interest and penalties. Users may convert the deferral to an installment payment loan.
  5. D. Temporary Use. Temporary structures and connections are not subject to SDCs.  SDCs, including penalties and interest charges, become due and payable for structures or connections that are not removed within three years. Temporary structures and temporary connections are not exempt from paying user charges, including extra-strength charges.
  6. E. Exemptions. Certain structures and uses are exempt from some or all SDCs as described in PCC Chapter 17.14 and Administrative Rule ENB-4.05

Upcoming and Recent Changes

Ordinance No. 190381

Effective Date

Ordinance No. 190381 has two effective dates:

Directive b is effective April 30, 2021:  Amend Titles 8, 15, 17, 21, and 30 of the Portland City Code, as shown in Exhibit B, Shelter to Housing Continuum Recommended Draft Volume Three—As-Amended, dated April 2021, but excluding the amendments to Subsection 17.14.070 H. Note:  Directive b changes updated online May 4, 2021.

Directive c is effective August 1, 2021:  Amend Title 29 and Subsection 17.14.070 H. of the Portland City Code as shown in Exhibit B, Shelter to Housing Continuum Recommended Draft Volume Three—As-Amended, dated April 2021. Note:  Directive c changes will be posted online around August 1, 2021.