17.34.005 Intent of Chapter.
It is the intent of the City to provide needed sewer service to all users while meeting the outlined objectives. This Chapter provides the structure under which the service will be provided for industrial wastewater dischargers so that the system is protected and can continue to provide efficiently for the wastewater treatment needs of the City. This chapter describes a group of regulations that applies to all sanitary discharges, including those regulated under BES pre-treatment and City discharge authorization programs. This Chapter applies to all separate sanitary and combined sewer systems, which are both considered sanitary sewers for the purposes of this chapter.
17.34.010 Declaration of Policy.
It is the policy of the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) to provide the planning, engineering and administration necessary to develop and manage sewer facilities that are adequate for the conveyance, treatment and disposal of wastewater from within the City and to operate the sewer system in such a manner that protects public health and the environment. In carrying out this policy, the objectives of this Chapter are:
- A. to prevent pollutants from entering the sewer system that would interfere with its normal operation or contaminate the resulting sludge;
- B. to prevent the introduction of pollutants into the sewer system that would not be adequately treated and will pass through into the environment;
- C. to improve the opportunity for recycling and reclamation of wastewater and sludge;
- D. to ensure protection of worker safety and health;
- E. to ensure that all dischargers comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations governing wastewater discharges and that sanctions for failure to comply are imposed.
17.34.020 Definitions.
As used in this Chapter and associated rules, the following definitions apply:
- A. Branch sewer means the public portion of the underground piping system that connects from the plumbing system of a building or buildings to a public sewer.
- B. Categorical pretreatment standards mean limitations on pollutant discharges to POTWs from specific types of new or existing industrial users. These standards are promulgated by the EPA in accordance with Sections 307 (b) and (c) of the Clean Water Act. This term includes prohibitive limitations established pursuant to 40 CFR 403.5
- C. Clean Water Act (CWA) means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq.).
- D. Combined sewer means a sewer designed to convey both sanitary sewage and stormwater.
- E. Director means the Director of The Bureau of Environmental Services or the Director’s designee.
- F. Discharge means any disposal, injection, dumping, spilling, pumping, emitting, emptying, leaching, leaking, or placing of any material so that such material enters or is likely to enter a waterbody, groundwater, or a public sewer or drainage system.
- G. Discharge authorization (DA) means a written approval by the City Administrator that prescribes certain requirements or restrictions for a discharge to the City sewer and drainage system.
- H. Discharger means any person who causes or permits a direct or indirect discharge to the City’s sewer and drainage system.
- I. Domestic waste means any waste consistent with that generated from single or multiple residential dwellings including, but not limited to, wastes from bathrooms, laundries and kitchens.
- J. Domestic wastewater means any water that contains only domestic waste.
- K. Hazardous substance means any substances referenced in section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S. Code §9601 et seq.), section 502(13) of the Clean Water Act or other substance at concentrations specified in those lists or, if no concentration is specified, at concentrations designated by the City Administrator.
- L. Industrial user means any person who discharges industrial or commercial wastewater to the City sewer system.
- M. Industrial wastewater means any discharge resulting from, or used in connection with, any process of industry, manufacturing, commercial food processing, business, agriculture, trade or research. Industrial wastewater includes, but is not limited to, the development, recovery or processing of natural resources and leachate from landfills or other disposal sites.
- N. Industrial wastewater discharge permit means a permit to discharge industrial wastewater into the City sewer system that is issued under Section 17.34.070 and that prescribes certain discharge requirements and limitations.
- O. Interference means a discharge that alone or in conjunction with other discharges, inhibits or disrupts the normal operation of the City sewer system or contributes to a violation of any requirement of the POTW’s NPDES permit. This includes any increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation, any increase in cost due to damage to the system, additional treatment of sewage, sewage sludge use or disposal, or in compliance with local, state or federal regulations or permits related to sewage treatment and sludge disposal.
- P. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the Clean Water Act (40 CFR Part 122) regulations that require dischargers to control and reduce pollutants in discharges to waters of the United States
- Q. Pollutant means an elemental or physical material that can be mobilized or dissolved by water or air and that could create a negative impact to human health, safety, or the environment.
- R. POTW means Publicly Owned Treatment Works, which includes any devices and systems, owned by a state or municipality, used in the collection, transportation, storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of wastewater.
- S. Pretreatment means the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater in accordance with federal, state and local laws, regulations and permits prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into the City sewer system.
- T. Slugload means any discharge that is nonroutine or episodic and that has a reasonable potential to cause interference, pass-through, or violation of applicable local, state or federal regulations, including City local limits or conditions of the City’s NPDES permit. Slugloads include but are not limited to accidental spills and non-customary batch discharges.
- U. Toxic substance means any chemical listed in Oregon’s water quality standards for toxic pollutant tables in OAR, Division 340-041-0033; the CWA effluent guidelines list of toxic pollutants at 40 CFR 401.15; or the toxic chemical release reporting specific toxic chemical listings at 40 CFR 372.65 at concentrations specified in those lists or, if no concentration is specified, at concentrations designated by the City Administrator.
- V. Upset means an exceptional incident in which a discharger temporarily is in a state of noncompliance with the applicable categorical pretreatment standards of this Chapter or associated rules. Upset must be due to factors beyond the reasonable control of the discharger and not caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation of treatment facilities.
- W. Wastewater means any non-domestic sewage flows including but not limited to washwaters, industrial wastewater, commercial discharges, and other nonstormwater discharges.
17.34.030 General Discharge Prohibitions.
- A. It is unlawful to discharge industrial wastewater into the City sewer system except in compliance with this Chapter and associated rules.
- B. Prohibited discharges. It is unlawful to discharge, cause to discharge, or allow to discharge directly or indirectly into the City sewer system any substance, alone or in combination with others, that may inhibit, interfere with, injure, harm, damage, create a hazard to or impair the performance of the City’s conveyance, collection or treatment processes and systems. Prohibited discharges also include those that create or could create a nuisance or a threat to human health or the environment or that:
- 1. Contains substances that are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the sewage treatment process employed or are only partially amenable to treatment;
- 2. Contain liquids, solids, or gases that, either alone or by interaction, may cause a fire or an explosion or injure the sewer system or wastestreams;
- 3. Have a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) using test methods prescribed at 40 CFR 261.21 or could cause the atmosphere in any portion of the sewer system to reach a concentration of 10 percent or more of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL);
- 4. Contain solids or viscous substances that may solidify or become discernibly viscous at temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) or are capable of obstructing the flow of wastewater or cause other interference with the operation of the sewer system;
- 5. Contain noxious, malodorous or toxic liquids, gases, vapors, fumes, or solids, in amounts that may violate the general prohibitions of Subsection 17.34.030 B.;
- 6. Contains hazardous or toxic substances, either alone or in combination with other substances may adversely affect receiving waters or in amounts that may violate the general prohibitions of Subsection 17.34.030 B.;
- 7. Have a pH of less than 5.0 or more than 11.5 without prior approval by the City Administrator;
- 8. Are hotter than 65 degrees Celsius (149 degrees Fahrenheit) or are hot enough to inhibit biological activity or cause the temperature of the treatment plant influent to exceed 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit);
- 9. Contain material trucked or hauled from a cesspool, holding or septic tank or any other nondomestic source, except such material received at designated locations under City contract or permit;
- 10. Contain any material other than domestic waste larger than 0.65 centimeters (1/4 inch) in any dimension;
- 11. Contain dissolved solids may violate the general prohibition of Subsection 17.34.030 B.;
- 12. Contain excessive color that is not removed in the treatment process;
- 13. Contain radioactive material, except in compliance with a current permit issued by the Oregon State Health Division or other state or federal agency having jurisdiction;
- 14. Contain petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that may cause interference or pass through;
- 15. Contain non-contact cooling water without prior approval by the City Administrator;
- 16. May cause sewer system effluent or treatment residues, sludges, or scums to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse;
- 17. Constitute a slugload per administrative rule;
- 18. Constitute a batch discharges without written permission from the City Administrator;
- 19. Exceeds discharge limits adopted in permits or administrative rules;
- 20. May cause the City to violate the terms of its NPDES permit; or
- 21. May cause the City to violate sludge use or disposal criteria, treatment guidelines, or other applicable regulations developed under the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1251-1387), the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC 6901-6992k), the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7401 -7671q), the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 USC 2601-2692), or any other federal or state statutes.
- C. A discharge or flow resulting from and emergency situation such as a water line break or firefighting by the Portland Fire Bureau will not be prohibited from discharging to the sewer during the period of the emergency. Any repairs made after the period of emergency has ceased will comply with all regulations of Portland City Code.
17.34.040 Discharge Limitations.
- A. It is unlawful for a discharger to discharge wastes or wastewater to the City sewer system in excess of limitations established in an industrial wastewater discharge permit or in violation of the prohibited discharges in Section 17.34.030. The City Administrator will establish specific discharge limitations under separate rules to meet the objectives of this Chapter.
- B. It is unlawful for a discharger to use dilution as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with the standards and limitations set forth in this Chapter, administrative rules, or in an industrial wastewater discharge permit issued pursuant to the Chapter. The City Administrator may impose mass limitations on dischargers who are using dilution to meet the applicable pretreatment standards or requirements of this Chapter, administrative rules or in other cases where the City Administrator determines that the imposition of mass limitations is appropriate.
- C. The City Administrator may authorize the use of equivalent concentration limits in lieu of mass limits for certain industrial categories, and allow the conditional use of equivalent mass limit in lieu of concentration-based limits where appropriate.
- D. Termination or limitation. Notwithstanding prior acceptance into the City sewer system of industrial wastewater, if the City Administrator finds that industrial wastewater from a particular commercial or industrial occupancy or a class of similar occupancies cause or may cause damage, interference, hazard or nuisance to the City sewer system, City personnel or the receiving waters, the City Administrator may limit the characteristics or volume of the industrial wastewater accepted or may terminate acceptance. Notice of the limitation or termination will be given in writing to the occupant of the property or posted on the property involved, and will specify the date when the limitation or termination is to be effective. It is unlawful for any person to discharge or permit the discharge of industrial wastewater in violation of this notice.
17.34.050 Pretreatment and Pollution Control Required.
- A. The City Administrator may require dischargers to install treatment facilities or make structural modifications to their facilities or equipment, or make operation changes, process modifications, or take other measures to protect the City sewer system, to comply with requirements of this Chapter or any applicable state or federal requirements. The City Administrator may require that such actions be taken within the shortest reasonable time. Compliance deadlines will be based on construction time and the confirmed or potential impact of the untreated industrial wastewater on the City sewer system. Such structures and site modifications must be reviewed and approved by the City Administrator to determine sufficiency.
- B. Any requirement of this Chapter may be incorporated as a part of an industrial wastewater discharge permit issued under Section 17.34.070 or any other enforcement document and made a condition of issuance of such permit or discharge authorization for the industrial wastewater from such facility.
- C. Plans, specifications and other information relating to the construction or installation of required pretreatment facilities and source control measures must be submitted to the City Administrator. A permit or permit review may be required. No construction or installation may commence until written approval of plans and specifications by the City Administrator is obtained. No person, by virtue of such approval, will be relieved of compliance with other local, state or federal laws relating to construction and permits. Every facility must be constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and installed and maintained at the expense of the discharger.
17.34.060 Accidental Spill Prevention and Control.
- A. Notification. Any person becoming aware of spills or uncontrolled discharges of hazardous or toxic substances or of substances prohibited under Section 17.34.030 directly or indirectly into the City sewer system must immediately report such discharge by telephone to the Director and to any other authorities required under other local, state, or federal laws or regulations.
- B. Written notice. Within five days following an accidental discharge as described in Subsection A. above, the discharger must submit to the Director a detailed written report describing the cause of the discharge and the measures to be taken to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification will not relieve the discharger from any fines, civil penalties, or other liability that may be imposed under the authority of this Chapter, associated rules, or other applicable law.
- C. Posted notice. A notice that informs employees of an industrial wastewater discharger of the notification requirement in Subsection 17.34.060 A. above and that contains information regarding reporting in the event of such a discharge must be posted in a conspicuous place and must be visible to all employees who may reasonably be expected to observe such a discharge.
- D. Preventive measures. Direct or indirect connections or entry points that could allow spills or uncontrolled discharges of hazardous or toxic substances or of substances prohibited under Section 17.34.030 to enter the City sewer system must be eliminated or labeled and controlled so as to prevent the entry of wastes in violation of this Chapter. The City Administrator may require the discharger to install or modify equipment or make other changes necessary to prevent such discharges as a condition of issuance of an industrial wastewater discharge permit or as a condition of discharge authorization to the City sewer system. A schedule of compliance will be established by the City Administrator for completion of required actions within the shortest reasonable period of time. Inability to comply with this schedule without an extension of time by the City Administrator is a violation of this Chapter.
- E. Accidental Spill Prevention Plans.
- 1. Dischargers that handle, store or use hazardous or toxic substances or substances prohibited under Section 17.34.030 on their sites must prepare and submit to the City Administrator an Accidental Spill Prevention Plan, according to the requirements set out in administrative rule, within 60 days after notification by the City Administrator or as required by an industrial wastewater discharge permit.
17.34.070 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permits.
- A. Requirement for a permit. Except as provided in Subsection 17.34.070 B., an industrial wastewater discharger must have an industrial wastewater discharge permit prior to discharging into the City sewer system if:
- 1. The discharge is required to be permitted under procedures contained in the City’s approved pretreatment program; or
- 2. The discharger is a significant industrial user, which includes:
- a. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment standards under 40 CFR 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N; and
- b. Any other industrial user that:
- (1) Discharges an average of at least 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the POTW (excluding domestic, noncontact cooling and boiler blowdown wastewater);
- (2) Contributes a process waste stream that makes up five percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the POTW treatment plant; or
- (3) Is designated as such by the City Administrator on the basis that the industrial user has a reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW’s operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement in accordance with 40 CFR 403.8(f)(6),
- 3. The City Administrator may determine that an industrial user meeting the criteria above is not a “significant industrial user” if the discharge has no reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW’s operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement in accordance with 40 CFR 403.8(f)(6).
- B. Existing discharges.
- 1. If discharges occur prior to the date that an industrial wastewater discharge permit is required, the discharger will be notified in writing by the City Administrator that such a permit is required. Such existing dischargers may be allowed to continue discharging into the City sewer system without an industrial wastewater discharge permit until a permit is issued or denied, provided the discharger files a completed environmental survey and application for an industrial wastewater discharge permit within 90 days of receipt of the notice.
- 2. Discharges that require an industrial wastewater discharge permit and are allowed to continue discharging without such a permit under Subsection 17.34.070 B.1. must comply with the requirements of this Chapter and associated rules.
- C. Application for industrial wastewater discharge permit.
- 1. Existing significant industrial users must submit application for a permit on a form provided by the City Administrator within 180 days after the effective date of a categorical pretreatment standard issued by the U.S. EPA or within 90 days after receiving notification from the City Administrator that such a standard has been issued, whichever is sooner.
- 2. New source dischargers. Any new source discharger determined by the City Administrator to be a significant industrial user must submit an application for a permit on a form provided by the City Administrator within 90 days of notification by the City Administrator. However, a new source discharger may not discharge to the sewer system without a permit.
- 3. Submission of the application for permit required by this Section will satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR 403.12(b).
- 4. The application for permit will not be considered complete until all information required by the application form, requirements of this Chapter, or by administrative is provided. All fees must be paid and the certification statement required by 40 CFR 403.12(b)(6) signed by the authorized representative. The City Administrator may grant specific exemptions for these items.
- D. Issuance of industrial wastewater discharge permits.
- 1. Industrial wastewater discharge permits will be issued or denied by the City Administrator within 90 days after a completed application is received, unless that period is extended in writing by the City Administrator for good and valid cause.
- 2. Industrial wastewater discharge permits will contain conditions that meet the requirements of this Chapter, administrative rules and applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
- 3. If pretreatment facilities are needed to meet the applicable pretreatment standards or requirements in an industrial wastewater discharge permit, the permit will require the installation of such facilities on a compliance schedule.
- 4. Whenever an industrial wastewater discharge permit requires installation or modification of pretreatment facilities or a process change necessary to meet discharge standards or spill control requirements, a compliance schedule will be included that establishes the date for installation of the pretreatment facilities or process changes. The compliance schedule may contain appropriate interim dates for completion of specified tasks. Compliance dates established in a permit cannot exceed federal categorical deadline dates.
- 5. Industrial wastewater discharge permits will expire no later than five years after the effective date of the permit and may not be transferable except with prior notification and approval from the City Administrator.
- 6. The City Administrator may deny the issuance of an industrial wastewater discharge permit if the discharge could result in violations of local, state or federal laws or regulations; cause interference or damage to any portion of the City sewer system; or create an imminent or potential hazard to human health or the environment.
- E. Modification of permits.
- 1. An industrial wastewater discharge permit may be modified for good and valid cause at the written request of the permittee or at the discretion of the City Administrator.
- 2. Permittee modification requests must be submitted to the City Administrator and must contain a detailed description of all proposed changes in the discharge. The City Administrator may request any additional information needed to adequately review the application or assess its impact.
- 3. The City Administrator may deny a request for modification if they determine that the change will result in violations of local, State or federal laws or regulations, will cause interference or damage to any portion of the City sewer system, or will create an imminent or potential hazard to human health or the environment.
- 4. If a permit modification is made at the direction of the City Administrator, the permittee will be notified in writing of the proposed modification at least 30 days prior to its effective date and informed of the reasons for the changes.
- F. Change in a permitted discharge. A modification to the permittee’s discharge permit must be issued by the City Administrator before any significant increase is made in the volume or level of pollutants in an existing permitted discharge to the City sewer system. Changes in the discharge involving the introduction of a wastewater not previously included in the industrial wastewater discharge permit application or involving the addition of new pollutants will be considered new discharges, requiring application under Section 17.34.070.
- G. Renewal of permits. A permittee must apply for renewal of its industrial wastewater discharge permit at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of the existing permit. Upon timely application for renewal, an existing permit will remain effective until the renewed permit is issued or denied.
- H. Administrative review and appeal of permit or permit modification. Upon receipt of an industrial wastewater discharge permit or permit modification, a permittee may request administrative review of any of its terms or conditions in accordance with provisions established in this Chapter and its associated administrative rules. After a permittee has exhausted BES administrative review, a permittee may appeal any of the permit’s terms or conditions to the Code Hearings Officer in accordance with procedures set out at Chapter 22.10 of Portland City Code. Administrative review by BES and appeal to the Code Hearings Officer may be limited by administrative rule.
17.34.075 Other Sanitary Discharge Permits or Authorizations
The City may require authorization for any discharge to the sanitary or combined sewer of materials that violate the discharge prohibitions listed in 17.34.030.
- A. Authorization may take the form of a written authorization for an intermittent or ongoing discharge. Authorization may also require the adherence to management practices to reduce pollutant releases associated with the authorized discharge
- B. Dischargers may be required to provide:
- 1. Evaluation of the proposed discharge, including: sampling, prior to being granted authorization to discharge.
- 2. Adequate information and access to the location or process creating the discharge, to allow the City to fully evaluate any pretreatment needs for authorizing the discharge.
- C. The City may require pretreatment for any discharge to the City’s sewer system, including but not limited to requirements specified in 17.34.050.
- D. Noncompliance with these requirements is subject to the enforcement steps specified in 17.34.110 and in the associated Sanitary System Discharge administrative rules.
17.34.080 Inspection and Sampling.
- A. Inspection.
- 1. Right of entry. To the extent permitted by law, BES may enter all private and public premises at any time for the purpose of inspecting for potential violations, connections or for any other lawful purpose. This authorization includes but is not limited to inspection, sampling, testing, photographic documentation, record examination, copying, and installation of devices. Entry may not be conditioned upon BES representatives signing any type of confirmation, release, consent, acknowledgement, or other type of agreement. The City may install on the discharger’s property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling, inspection, compliance monitoring and metering operations.
- 2. Entry protocols.
- a. The BES representative will present a City photo identification card at the time of entry;
- b. The BES representative will comply with reasonable, routine safety and sanitary requirements of the facility or site as provided by the facility operator at the time of entry. The facility operator must provide the BES representative with any facility-specific safety protective equipment necessary for entry.
- B. Sampling.
- 1. Samples of wastewater being discharged into the sewer system must be representative of the discharge. Other sampling locations may be required by permit. All sampling and analyses must be performed in accordance with the procedures set forth in 40 CFR Part 136, as amended, and with any other test procedures approved by EPA. If there are no approved test procedures the City Administrator may approve other analytical procedures. The results of all samples taken must be reported.
- 2. Samples taken by City personnel for the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this Chapter or administrative rule may be split with the discharger, or a duplicate sample provided in the instance of fats, oils and grease, if requested by the discharger before or at the time of sampling.
- C. Sampling manhole or access. The City Administrator may require an industrial wastewater discharger to install and maintain at the discharger’s expense a suitable monitoring access such as a manhole in the discharger’s branch sewer to allow observation, sampling and measurement of all industrial wastewaters being discharged into the City sewer system. Any monitoring access must be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the City Administrator and must be designed so that flow measuring and sampling equipment can be conveniently installed. Access to the monitoring access must be available to City representatives at all times.
17.34.090 Reporting Requirements.
- A. Periodic compliance reports.
- 1. The City Administrator may require reporting by industrial wastewater dischargers that are not required to have an industrial wastewater discharge permit if information or data is needed to establish a sewer charge, determine the treatability of the effluent, or determine any other factor that is related to the operation and maintenance of the sewer system.
- 2. The Discharger must submit reports to the City Administrator during the months of June and December, unless required on other dates or more frequently by the City Administrator based on the nature of the effluent over the previous reporting period.
- 3. The report must include a record of the mass and concentrations of the permit-limited pollutants that were measured. Reports must include a record of all flow measurements taken at designated sampling locations. The City Administrator may accept reports of average and maximum flows estimated by verifiable techniques if the City Administrator determines that actual measurement is not feasible. Additional information must be included as required by this Chapter or administrative rules.
- 4. The City Administrator may require self-monitoring by the discharger or, if requested by the discharger, the City Administrator may agree to have BES staff perform the periodic compliance monitoring needed to prepare the periodic compliance report required under this Section.
- B. Final compliance report. Any discharger subject to Subsection 17.34.090 A. must submit to the City Administrator a report indicating the nature and concentration of all prohibited or regulated substances contained in its discharge and the average and maximum daily flow in gallons. The report must state whether the applicable pretreatment standards or requirements are being met on a consistent basis and, if not, what additional operation and maintenance and pretreatment is necessary to bring the discharger into compliance. The discharger must submit reports.
- 1. Within 90 days following the date for final compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements set forth in this Chapter, administrative rule, or an industrial wastewater discharge permit; or
- 2. If the discharger is a new source discharger, within 30 days following commencement of the introduction of wastewater into the City sewer system by the discharger.
- C. The discharger must certify and sign all applications, reports, and reporting information in accordance with 40 CFR 403.12.L and 403.6(a)2(ii);
- D. Confidential information.
- 1. Any records, reports or information obtained under this Chapter or administrative rule will be available to the public or any governmental agency without restriction unless classified by the City Administrator as confidential. In order to obtain a confidential classification on all or part of any records, reports or information submitted, the discharger must:
- a. Submit a written request to the City Administrator identifying the material that is desired to be classified as confidential and;
- b. Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Administrator that records, reports, or information are exempt from disclosure pursuant to the Oregon Public Records Law.
- 2. Effluent data, as defined in 40 CFR 2.302, submitted pursuant to this Chapter may not be classified as confidential.
- 3. Records, reports, or information classified as confidential by the City Administrator will not be released or made part of any public record or hearing unless such release is ordered by the District Attorney or a court of competent jurisdiction; provided, however, such confidential information will, when required by law or governmental regulation, and upon written request, be made available to state or federal agencies having jurisdiction, duties or responsibilities relating to this Chapter, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System or applicable Oregon laws and regulations.
- 1. Any records, reports or information obtained under this Chapter or administrative rule will be available to the public or any governmental agency without restriction unless classified by the City Administrator as confidential. In order to obtain a confidential classification on all or part of any records, reports or information submitted, the discharger must:
- F. Notification of hazardous or toxic substance discharge. An industrial user must notify the City Administrator in writing of any discharge into the sewer system of a substance that, if otherwise disposed of, would be a hazardous waste or toxic substance. Such notification must be in accordance with the requirements of rules adopted pursuant to this Chapter.
- G. Notification of violation. An industrial user must report noncompliance with permit limits within 24 hours of becoming aware of the noncompliance. The industrial user must repeat the sampling and analysis and submit results to the City Administrator within 30 days of becoming aware of the violation.
- H. Notification of changed discharge. All industrial users must promptly notify the City Administrator in advance of any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants in their discharge.
17.34.110 Enforcement.
- A. Violations. It is a violation for any person to fail to comply with the requirements of this Chapter or associated rules. Each day a violation occurs or continues may be considered a separate violation. BES will hold the person or persons solely responsible for complying with BES enforcement actions. Violations of this Chapter or associated rules include, but are not limited to:
- 1. Failure to obtain a permit when required for discharge, including failure to supply correct application materials;
- 2. Failure to comply with the conditions of a permit;
- a. Exceedances of discharge limits. Each pollutant discharge that exceeds a discharge limit is considered a separate violation;
- 3. Discharges prohibited by Section 17.34.030;
- 4. Failure to comply with a written directive or timeline of the City Administrator made under authority of this Chapter;
- 5. Failure to comply with enforcement actions as identified in the BES Enforcement Program administrative rules (PPD item ENB-4.15); and
- 6. Where a discharge causes interference or pass through, the discharger may have a valid affirmative defense if it is demonstrated that:
- a. The discharger did not know or have reason to know that the discharge, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, would cause pass through or interference; and
- b. The discharge was in compliance with properly developed local limits prior to and during the pass through or interference; or
- c. If a local limit designed to prevent pass through or interference has not been developed for the pollutants that caused the pass through or interference, the discharge:
- (1) Occurred prior to and during the pass through or interference; and
- (2) Did not change substantially in nature or constituents from prior discharge activity that was regularly in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter and associated rules.
- B. Significant noncompliance. Any significant industrial user or any other discharger who violates the criteria described in 3., 4., 5. or 9. of this Subsection will be considered to be in significant noncompliance with this Chapter for one or more of the following:
- 1. Chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits. Chronic violations occur when at least 66 percent of all of the measurements taken during a six-month period exceed any pretreatment standard for the same pollutant parameter.
- 2. Technical Review Criteria (TRC) violations. TRC violations occur when at least 33 percent of all of the measurements taken for the same pollutant parameter during a six-month period equal or exceed the product of the pretreatment standard multiplied by the applicable TRC (TRC = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, fats, oil, and grease; and 1.2 for all other pollutants except pH).
- 3. Any other violation of any pretreatment standard that the City Administrator determines has caused, alone or in combination with other discharges, interference or pass through (including endangering the health of POTW personnel or the general public).
- 4. Any discharge of a pollutant that has caused imminent danger to human health, welfare or to the environment.
- 5. Any discharge that requires the City Administrator to use emergency authority to halt or prevent discharge.
- 6. Failure to meet, within 90 days after the schedule date, a compliance schedule milestone contained in an industrial wastewater discharge permit or enforcement order for starting construction, completing construction, or attaining final compliance.
- 7. Failure to provide, within 30 days after the due date, required reports such as applications, baseline monitoring reports, 90-day compliance reports, periodic self-monitoring reports, and reports on compliance with compliance schedules.
- 8. Failure to accurately report noncompliance.
- 9. Any other violation or group of violations that the City Administrator determines will adversely affect the operation or implementation of the local pretreatment program.
- C. Enforcement tools. BES may use any or all of the following tools to enforce this Chapter or associated administrative rules: notice of investigation, warning notice, notice of violation, compliance order, requirement to obtain a permit, notice of termination, withholding of permits, violation abatement, legal action, criminal case referral, or referral to other regulatory agencies. BES enforcement actions are described in program-specific administrative rules and the BES Enforcement Program administrative rules (PPD item ENB-4.15).
- D. Civil penalties. Dischargers violating this Chapter or associated rules may be assessed civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day per violation according to program-specific administrative rules and the BES Enforcement Program administrative rules (PPD item ENB-4.15). Failure to pay a civil penalty within 30 days following a final determination regarding the penalty is grounds for permit revocation or termination of the permittee’s discharge. Penalties and other charges will accrue interest from the date of initial City notice assessing the penalty until the penalty is paid in full.
- E. Cost recovery. The City Administrator may recover all reasonable costs incurred by the City that are attributable to or associated with violations of this Chapter or associated administrative rules per PPD item ENB-4.15. Failure to pay costs related to a civil penalty or summary abatement within 30 days following a final determination is grounds for permit revocation or termination of the permittee’s discharge.
- F. City summary abatement. To the extent permitted by law, the City Administrator may recover from the person causing the violation all costs incurred by the City to summarily abate the following:
- 1. A violation that is not remedied through required corrective actions;
- 2. A situation that poses an imminent danger to human health, public safety, or the environment; or
- 3. Continued noncompliance with Portland City Code or associated rules.
- G. Nothing in this Chapter is intended to impose liability on the City for any injury or damage resulting from the failure of any person to comply with the provisions of this Chapter.
- H. Termination or prevention of a discharge or permit revocation.
- 1. The City Administrator may terminate or prevent a discharge into the City sewer system or revoke an industrial wastewater discharge permit if:
- a. The discharge or threatened discharge presents or may present:
- (1) A danger to human health or welfare or the environment; or
- (2) Potential interference with the operation of the City sewer system;
- b. The permit to discharge into the City sewer system was obtained by misrepresentation of any material fact or by lack of full disclosure;
- c. The discharger violates any requirement of this Chapter or an industrial wastewater discharge permit; or
- d. Such action is directed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
- a. The discharge or threatened discharge presents or may present:
- 2. Notice of termination of discharge or permit revocation will be provided to the discharger or posted on the subject property prior to terminating the discharge or revoking a permit.
- a. In situations that do not present an imminent danger to health or the environment or an imminent threat of interference with the sewer system, the notice will:
- (1) Be provided in writing;
- (2) Contain the reasons for the termination of the discharge or permit revocation;
- (3) Contain the effective date of City action;
- (4) Contain the duration of the termination;
- (5) Provide contact information of a City contact;
- (6) Be signed by the City Administrator; and
- (7) Will be received or refused at the business address of the discharger no less than 30 days prior to the effective date of termination.
- b. In situations where there is an imminent danger to human health or welfare or the environment or an imminent threat of interference with the operation of the sewer system, the City Administrator may immediately terminate an existing discharge, prevent a new discharge, or revoke a permit after providing informal notice to the discharger or after posting such notice on the subject property. Informal notice may be verbal or written and will include the effective date and time and a brief description of the reason. Within three working days following the informal notice, a written formal notice as described in Subsection 17.34.110 H.2.a. will be provided to the discharger.
- a. In situations that do not present an imminent danger to health or the environment or an imminent threat of interference with the sewer system, the notice will:
- 3. The City Administrator may reinstate an industrial wastewater discharge permit that has been revoked or may reinstate industrial wastewater treatment service upon clear and convincing proof by the discharger of the elimination of the noncompliant discharge or conditions creating the threat of endangerment or interference.
- 1. The City Administrator may terminate or prevent a discharge into the City sewer system or revoke an industrial wastewater discharge permit if:
- I. Annual publication. A list of Significant Industrial Users that BES considers to be in significant noncompliance with this Chapter will be published annually in the newspaper of general circulation in Portland, summarizing the enforcement actions taken against industrial users during a prior twelve-month period.
17.34.115 Requests for Reconsideration.
Administrative review and appeal. A person may request a modification to a City Administrator decision related to this Chapter via an administrative review with BES staff, unless administrative review is limited by administrative rule. After the requestor has exhausted all administrative review, the requestor may file for an appeal with the Code Hearings Officer per Portland City Code Title 22, unless appeal is limited by administrative rule.
17.34.120 Records Retention.
All dischargers subject to this Chapter must retain and preserve for no less than three years all records, books, documents, memoranda, reports, correspondence and summaries relating to monitoring, sampling and chemical analyses made by or on behalf of the discharger in connection with its discharge. This period of retention may be extended per 40 CFR 493.12(o)(2) when requested by the City Administrator, DEQ, or EPA during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the discharger. The discharger must retain and preserve all records that pertain to matters that are the subject of any enforcement or litigation activities brought by the City until all enforcement activities have concluded and all appeals deadlines have expired.
17.34.130 Conflict.
This Chapter supersedes all other ordinances and their elements to the extent that they are inconsistent with or conflict with any part of this Chapter.
17.34.140 Severability.
If any provision, paragraph, word, or Section of this Chapter or associated rules is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions, paragraphs, words, Sections and Chapters will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect.
17.34.150 Fees.
- A. The Council will set annual fees by ordinance for all industrial wastewater discharge permits. In proposing fees to the Council, the City Administrator will consider: process wastewater discharge flow; industrial user classification; permit status (new or renewed); self-monitoring frequency; city monitoring frequency; regulatory history and any regulatory permits or special requirements.
- B. Permit fees. Fees for each fiscal year are set July 1 and billed as soon after the following January 1 as is practical.
- C. The Council may also set fees for all non-routine, non-domestic batch discharges to the sewer system. Service fees for such discharges not otherwise addressed in an industrial wastewater discharge permit will be calculated at a rate per occurrence, in addition to other applicable charges. The rate will be established, annually, by general ordinance.