City Code Section
- All work done in streets or other public places shall be done in the location approved by the Director of the Bureau of Transportation and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared or approved by the City Engineer. The permit may include conditions, and the conditions shall be binding upon the permittee (see Section 17.24.050). All work done shall be subject to the rejection or correction requirements of the City Engineer and subject to the final approval of the City Engineer. Any person or entity performing work in the street area shall:
- A. Begin the work promptly and diligently pursue the work until the work is completed;
- B. Upon completion of the work, make a written report to the Director of the Bureau of Transportation detailing the manner in which the work was executed, the location of the work and facilities, and other information regarding the work performed as the Director of the Bureau of Transportation may request. The report shall be certified as accurately depicting the horizontal and vertical location, size and type of material of all facilities constructed. The plans need not include details of the nature of the facilities. These plans shall be submitted to the City within sixty (60) days after completion of construction. The Director of the Bureau of Transportation may establish the format of such reports.
- C. When there are two or more curbs on the same side of the street centerline, lay all pipes, mains, sewers, conduits, lines, when the same are to run lengthwise in any street, at a distance at least 3-1/2 feet from the curb closest to the street centerline measuring toward the center of the street and at least 2 feet from the curb closest to the street centerline measuring to the outer edge of the street. All connections to the pipes, mains, sewers, conduits, and lines laying lengthwise in the street or to any lot shall be installed perpendicular to the curb. In cases where compliance with these regulations would cause unnecessary digging up of pavement, disruption of traffic, place a burden on the street system, or otherwise not be in the best interest of the public, the Director of the Bureau of Transportation may in their sole discretion permit and or require the laying of pipes, mains, sewers, conduits, lines, in a different location or manner;
- D. Keep all stone, macadam, gravel or other pavement material separate from the excavated earth;
- E. Refill any trench or hole that has been dug or opened in any street for the purpose of reaching or laying any sewer, gas, water or other pipe or main within 24 hours after laying or reaching the sewer, gas, water or other pipe or main, or as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Transportation, in the following manner:
- 1. If the street has not been improved with permanent pavement, the earth excavated from the hole or trench shall be refilled and thoroughly compacted until the grade of the roadway previously existing at such trench or hole is reached.
- 2. If the street has been improved with permanent pavement, the excavated area shall be refilled and compacted to the elevation of the bottom of the permanent pavement, which shall be re-laid compactly and made to conform to the grade, base and quality of the surrounding street pavement.
- F. Erect appropriate traffic control devices and protective measures around the work site, and maintain warning lights or other warning devices as required by the Traffic Engineer at or around the work site during the hours between sunset and sunrise so that pedestrians and operators of vehicles may be duly warned of, and protected from the obstruction;
- G. Install and maintain erosion control measures as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Transportation;
- H. Comply with any other directions given by the Director of the Bureau of Transportation.