City Code Section
- The Director is authorized to administer and enforce provisions of this Chapter.
- A. The Director is authorized to adopt administrative rules, procedures, and forms to implement the provisions of this Chapter.
- 1. Any rule adopted pursuant to this section shall require a public review process. Not less than 10 nor more than 30 days before such public review process, notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation. Such notice shall include the place, time and purpose of the public review process and the location at which copies of the full set of the proposed rules may be obtained.
- 2. During the public review, the Director shall hear testimony or receive written comment concerning the proposed rules. The Director shall review the recommendations; taking into consideration the comments received during the public review process, and shall either adopt the proposed rules, modify or reject them. Unless otherwise stated, all rules shall be effective upon adoption by the Director and shall be filed in the Office of the Director and with the City Auditor’s Portland Policy Documents repository.
- 3. Notwithstanding Subsections 17.108.030A.1. and 2. of this Section, an interim rule may be adopted by the Director without prior notice upon a finding that failure to act promptly will result in serious prejudice to the public interest or the interest of the affected parties, including the specific reasons for such prejudice. Any interim rule adopted by the Director shall be effective for a period no longer than one year after the date that the interim rule is adopted. Within 5 business days of the adoption of an interim rule, the Director shall provide notice of the rule, giving the language of the rule change, describing the purpose of the rule, and inviting the submission of comments. At a minimum, notice will be provided to the following:
- a. Neighborhood associations recognized by the City Office of Neighborhood Involvement,
- b. District Coalitions recognized by the City Office of Neighborhood Involvement, and
- c. Persons on the list maintained by the Director of parties interested in the Home Energy Score Program.
- B. The Director may temporarily suspend or modify the requirements of this Chapter based on a determination that such requirements are temporarily infeasible due to economic or technical circumstances. The Director’s determination to temporarily suspend or modify shall be filed as a report with the City Council. The Director’s determination shall be effective after the Council has accepted the report.