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Chapter 16.90 Definitions

City Code Chapter

16.90.001 Generally.

  1. The following words and phrases when used in this Title shall, for the purpose of this Title, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Chapter, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.  Definitions of words and phrases in the Oregon Revised Statutes may be applied unless defined differently in this Title or in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

16.90.005 Abandoned Vehicle.

(Amended by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.)  

  1. A vehicle that remains in violation for more than 24 hours and one or more of the following conditions exist:
  2. A.  The vehicle does not have a lawfully affixed, unexpired registration plate, or fails to display current registration.
  3. B.  The vehicle appears to be inoperative or disabled.
  4. C.  The vehicle appears to be wrecked, partially dismantled or junked.

16.90.015 Alley.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.)  

  1. A facility primarily intended to provide access to the rear or side of lots or buildings in urban areas and not intended for through vehicular movement.

16.90.020 Angle Loading.

  1. When a vehicle is parked at an angle to traffic flow for the purpose of loading/unloading and extends into the public right-of-way anywhere outside of a legal parking area.

16.90.025 Bicycle.

  1. A type of vehicle that:
  2. A.  Is designed to be operated on the ground on wheels;
  3. B.  Has a seat or saddle for use of the rider;
  4. C.  Is designed to travel with not more than three wheels in contact with the ground;
  5. D.  Is propelled exclusively by human power; and
  6. E.  Has every wheel more than 14 inches in diameter or two tandem wheels either of which is more than 14 inches in diameter.

16.90.030 Bicycle Boulevard.

(Replaced by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.)  

  1. A roadway with low vehicle traffic volumes where the movement of bicycles is given priority.

16.90.032 Bicycle Lane.

(Added by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.)  

  1. The part of the street designated by official signs or markings for the movement of persons riding bicycles except as otherwise specifically provided by law.

16.90.034 Bikeway, Shoulder.

(Added by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.)  

  1. A street upon which the paved shoulder, separated by a four-inch stripe and no bicycle lane markings, is used for the movement of persons riding bicycles.  Auto parking is also allowed on shoulders marked in this manner.

16.90.036 Bikeway, Extra Width Curb Lane.

(Added by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. A wider than normal curbside travel lane provided to give extra room for the movement of persons riding bicycles where there is insufficient space for a bicycle lane or shoulder bikeway.

16.90.038 Bikeway, Off-Street Path.

(Added by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. An off-street path for the movement of persons riding bicycles that is physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and either within a street right-of-way, but not in the roadway, or within an independent right-of-way or dedicated easement.

16.90.040 Bikeway, Signed Connection.

(Replaced by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.)

  1.  A bikeway upon which signing is placed to direct bicyclists to a destination or another bikeway.

16.90.045 Block Face.

  1. The area between the line separating a public right-of-way from private property and the center line of a street or highway, and between the midpoint of two intersections.

16.90.055 Carpool Vehicle.

  1. A.  Any vehicle that is designed by its manufacturer to seat three or more people and is utilized to transport on a regular basis, three or more people including the driver, from a point of origin to a destination.
  2. B.  For the purpose of this Title of the City Code, carpool vehicle specifically means any vehicle described in A. above, which displays a carpool permit issued by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon.

16.90.060 Central City Plan District.

  1. The Central City Plan District is defined in Title 33 of this code. For purposes of this Title, however, regulations that apply to the Central City Plan District apply to the whole street (up to the property line or extension of a property line to the corner of a property line across an intersection) of the streets whose center lines serve as boundaries to the Central City Plan District.

16.90.065 City Recognized Holidays.

  1. City recognized holidays are:
  2. A.  New Year’s Day;
  3. B.  Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday;
  4. C.  President’s Day;
  5. D.  Memorial Day;
  6. E.  Fourth of July;
  7. F.  Labor Day;
  8. G.  Veteran’s Day;
  9. H.  Thanksgiving Day; and
  10. I.  Christmas Day.
  11. A day begins at 12:00:00 a.m. and ends at 11:59:59 p.m.

16.90.070 Compact Car.

  1. Any vehicle which will fit within the space lines of a space designated for compact cars by official signs or markings.

16.90.080 Construction Zone.

  1. The space adjacent to the curb and in immediate proximity to the premises where construction, alteration, remodeling, repairing, or similar work is in progress, and designated by official parking meter or sign hoods, signs, or markings.

16.90.085 Crosswalk.

  1. Any portion of a roadway at an inter-section or elsewhere that is distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface of the roadway that conform in design to the standards established for crosswalks under ORS 810.200.  Whenever marked cross- walks have been indicated, such cross- walks and no other shall be deemed lawful across such roadway at that intersection.  Where no marked crosswalk exists, a crosswalk is that portion of the roadway described in the following:
  2. A.  Where sidewalks, shoulders or a combination thereof exists, a crosswalk is the portion of a roadway at an intersection, not more than 20 feet in width as measured from the prolongation of the lateral line of the roadway toward the prolongation of the adjacent property line, that is included within:
    1. 1.  The connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks, shoulders, or a combination thereof on opposite sides of the street or highway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traveled roadway; or
    2. 2.  The prolongation of the lateral lines of a sidewalk, shoulder, or both, to the sidewalk or shoulder on the opposite side of the street, if the prolongation would meet such sidewalk or shoulder.
  3. B.  If there is neither sidewalk nor shoulder, a crosswalk is the portion of the roadway at an intersection, measuring not less than 6 feet in width, that would be included within the prolongation of the lateral lines of the sidewalk, shoulder or both on the opposite side of the street or highway if there were a sidewalk.

16.90.090 Curb.

  1. Any raised margin defining the space in the street devoted to vehicular traffic.

16.90.095 Curb Line.

  1. The curb line separates a street or highway into the area dedicated to vehicle traffic (roadway) and the area dedicated to pedestrian and nonmotor vehicle traffic (planting strip, sidewalk, etc.).

16.90.097 Disabled Person Permit/Placard.

(Added by Ordinance 186575, effective July 1, 2014.) 

  1. Any official State-issued disabled person registration plate, placard, permit or decal, including: Regular, Program, Family, Motorcycle, Golf Cart or any other placard not issued specifically for “Wheelchair Only”. 

16.90.100 Driver.

  1. The rider, driver, or leader of any animal or vehicle that is not self-propelled and the operator of any vehicle that is self- propelled.

16.90.105 Driveway.

  1. A.  A road or access, whether improved or unimproved, extending from a public right-of-way onto private or public lands or structures for the purpose of gaining vehicular access to such areas and reasonably designated at the property line so as to be an obvious opening for access.  For purposes of enforcement, a driveway:
    1. 1.  Extends from one curb return to the other;
    2. 2.  If winged, includes the wings; or
    3. 3.  If the street is unimproved, the driveway area falls between the projections of the edges of an improved driveway or the most established tire ruts of an unimproved driveway.
  2. B.  Such road or access will be enforced as a driveway unless closed by a structure or permanent closure device.

16.90.110 Drop Box.

  1. A container in which trash or any other refuse material is temporarily stored or collected. For the purposes of Title 16, a drop box will be considered a vehicle in terms of parking provisions and restrictions.

16.90.111 Electric Vehicles.

(Added by Ordinance 191187, effective March 31, 2023.)

  1. A. “Active EV charging” or “EV charging” is defined as an EV or plug-in hybrid vehicle that is plugged into the EV charger.
  2. B. “Electric vehicle (EV)” is any battery-powered vehicle, either all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.
  3. C. “Electric vehicle (EV) charging zone” is a parking space with an adjacent EV charger where only vehicles actively charging their EV shall be permitted to park.
  4. D. “Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)” or “EV charger” is any infrastructure related to EV charging, including the station and port.
  5. E. “EVSE port” provides power to charge only one vehicle at a time. There can be multiple EVSE ports at an EVSE station.
  6. F. “EVSE station” or “EV charging station” means a site that has one or more EVSE ports at the same address or location.
  7. G. “Level 1 charging” is an EVSE station that provides charging through a 120-volt alternating current (AC) plug.
  8. H. “Level 2 charging” is an EVSE station that offers charging through 208–240-volt electrical service.
  9. I. “Level 3 charging,” is an EVSE station also known as direct-current fast charging (DCFC), that enables rapid charging. To meet federal standards published in the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program, these chargers should have a minimum power output of 150 kilowatt.

16.90.115 Emergency Vehicles.

(Amended by Ordinance 180917, effective May 26, 2007.)  

  1. Vehicles of Portland Fire & Rescue, police vehicles, emergency vehicles of municipal departments, and ambulances while being used for emergency purposes and displaying lights as required by the Oregon Revised Statutes.

16.90.130 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.

  1. The value specified by the manufacturer as the maximum loaded weight of a single or a combination vehicle or the registration weight, whichever is greater.

16.90.135 Guest.

  1. As used in a regulated parking zone sign, means a patron or visitor to the adjacent hotel.

16.90.140 Handicap Access Ramp.

  1. An inclination, ramp-like structure, or any other such device designed to serve and provide ease of access from the sidewalk to the roadway or from the street to adjacent property for individuals using a mobility aid. If winged, it includes the winged area of the structure.

16.90.145 Hotel.

  1. Any structure intended or designed for transient occupancy and which offers more than 25 percent of its rooms for dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes for less than a 30 day period.

16.90.150 Improper Use.

  1. Improper use occurs when a permit holder violates the provisions described on the permit application.

16.90.155 Intersection.

  1. The area of a roadway created when two or more public roadways join together at any angle, as described in one of the following:
  2. A.  If the roadways have curbs, the intersection is the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines.
  3. B.  If the roadways do not have curbs, the intersection is the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral boundary lines of the roadways.
  4. C.  The junction of an alley with a roadway does not constitute an intersection.
  5. D.  Where a highway includes two roadways 30 feet or more apart, then every crossing of each roadway of the divided highway by an intersection highway is a separate intersection.  In the event the intersection highway also includes two roadways 30 feet or more apart, then every crossing of two roadways of such highways is a separate intersection.

16.90.160 Light Rail Transit System.

  1. A commuter transit mode consisting of steel-wheeled rail vehicles, powered electrically through overhead lines, operating predominately on exclusive right-of-way that need not be grade separated.

16.90.170 Load/Unload.

  1. To load or unload a vehicle means to be actively engaged in removing merchandise from or putting merchandise in a vehicle.

16.90.175 Local Authorities.

  1. Every county, municipality, and other local board or body having authority to adopt local police regulations under the constitution and laws of this State.

16.90.190 Motor Bus.

  1. Every motor vehicle designed or used for carrying passengers and their personal baggage for compensation. The term "motor bus" does not mean or include taxicabs designed or constructed to accommodate and transport not more than five passengers, exclusive of the driver, and fitted with taximeters or using or having some other device, method, or system to indicate and determine the passenger fare paid for distance traveled.

16.90.220 Official/Reserved Zone.

(Amended by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.) 

  1. Any space adjacent to the curb or edge of the roadway, or on City of Portland owned or operated property, which is exclusively reserved for those vehicles which have been assigned the use of such space through official permits or other means of designation.

16.90.230 Parade.

  1. Any group of persons and/or vehicles moving on a street or streets of the City under permit as herein provided in accordance with a plan or common purpose for a celebration, display, exhibition, show, or advertisement, whether for public, semi-public, or private purposes, but does not include funeral processions or advertising vehicles operating under the provisions of Title 7.

16.90.235 Park, Parking, or Parked.

  1. The stopping or standing of any vehicle upon any street or highway within the City, whether such vehicle is occupied or not. It does not mean stopping or halting temporarily for less than 30 seconds to load/unload passengers, or in obedience to traffic regulations, signs, signals, or officers.

16.90.240 Parking Lane.

  1. The area between the curb and not more than 8 feet from the curb or curb line or as shown by official street markings. The parking lane is generally intended for vehicle parking. Parking regulations may apply to the parking lane area according to the provisions of Title 16 of the Portland City Code.

16.90.245 Parking Meter.

(Amended by Ordinances 176394 and 179141, effective March 23, 2005.) 

  1. A device placed at or near the curb adjacent to the street area, or on City of Portland owned or operated property authorized by the City and designed to register the duration of the parking time and the limit thereof, upon payment by a U.S. coin or a payment card. Parking meter includes a pay station.

16.90.247 Payment Card.

(Added by Ordinance 176394, effective April 17, 2002.) 

  1. A valid credit, debit or stored value card.

16.90.249 Meter Area Space Reservation Device.

(Added by Ordinance 176394; amended by Ordinances 179141 and 189651, effective September 6, 2019.)  

  1. A marker that is placed near the curb of the parking space, which contains administrative information on permit holder and regulations.

16.90.250 Pedestrian.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. A person afoot; a person operating a pushcart; a person riding on or pulling a coaster wagon, sled, scooter, tricycle, bicycle with wheels less than 14 inches in diameter, or a similar non-motorized vehicle; or on roller skates, skateboard, wheelchair, or a baby in a carriage.

16.90.255 Pedestrian Way.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. A facility intended for pedestrian movement.

16.90.265 Person.

  1. A natural person, firm, partnership, association, social or fraternal organization, corporation, trust, estate, receiver, syndicate, branch of government, or any group or combination acting as a unit.

16.90.275 Private Road.

  1. Every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons.

16.90.285 Rail Vehicles.

  1. Any steel-wheeled vehicle(s) propelled on fixed steel rails, including, but not limited to: trolleys; light rail vehicles; and diesel- powered trains.

16.90.290 Recreational Vehicle.

  1. A vehicle which is designed for sport or recreational use, or which is designed for human occupancy on an intermittent basis.  Recreational vehicle is divided into two categories as follows:
  2. A.  Motor Home.  A motor vehicle designed for human occupancy on an intermittent basis.  A camper is considered a motor home when it is on the back of a pick-up or truck.
  3. B.  Accessory Recreational Vehicle.  A nonmotor vehicle designed for human occupancy on an intermittent basis such as vacation trailers and fifth-wheel trailers.  A camper is considered an accessory recreational vehicle when it is not on the back of a pick-up or truck.  Accessory recreational vehicle also includes vehicles designed for off-road use such as off-road vehicles, dune buggies, and recreational boats.

16.90.295 Regulated Parking Zone.

(Amended by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.) 

  1. A space adjacent to a curb or curb line, designated by official signs or markings, where special regulations for parking or stopping a vehicle apply in addition to the general parking regulations that apply to all parking areas in the public right-of-way, or on City of Portland owned or operated property.

16.90.302 Right-of-Way.

(Added by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.)

  1. A.  The area between property lines of a street, easement, tract or other area dedicated to the movement of vehicles, pedestrians and/or goods.
  2. B.  A public right-of-way is dedicated or deeded to the public for public use and under the control of a public agency.
  3. C.  A private right-of-way is in private ownership, for use by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by others.

16.90.305 Roadway.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. The portion of a street or highway improved for vehicle movement, including any parking lane. On an improved street, the area between the curbs or edge lines of a street.

16.90.310 School Bus.

  1. A motor bus owned or operated by authority of any lawfully recognized school district.

16.90.315 Service (a vehicle).

  1. To perform routine maintenance such as replacing fluids or charging batteries. It does not include repairs to motor or body parts.

16.90.325 Shoulder.

  1. The portion of a public street or highway without curbs, whether paved or unpaved, contiguous to the roadway that is primarily for use by pedestrians, for the accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use and for lateral support of base and surface courses.

16.90.330 Sidewalk.

  1. The portion of the street between the curb or lateral lines of the roadway and the adjacent property lines, intended for use by pedestrians. An improved sidewalk is a pedestrian walkway with permanent surfacing in the sidewalk area of a street or highway.

16.90.335 Skateboard.

  1. A board of any material, natural or synthetic, with wheels affixed to the underside, designed to be ridden by a person.

16.90.340 Sled.

  1. Vehicles that do not move exclusively on revolving wheels in contact with the surface of the road or on fixed rails.

16.90.345 Stop, Stopping, or Stopped.

  1. Any halting, even momentarily, of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic-control sign or signal.

16.90.350 Street or Highway.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. The entire width of a right-of-way when any portion thereof is intended for motor vehicle movement or motor vehicle access to abutting property.

16.90.351 Storage Container.

(Added by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.) 

  1. A Storage Container in which any material is temporarily stored or collected. For the purposes of Title 16, a storage container will be considered a vehicle in terms of parking provisions and restrictions.

16.90.355 Taxicab.

  1. Any motor vehicle which carries passengers for hire where the destination and route traveled may be controlled by a passenger and the fare is calculated on the basis of an initial fee, distance traveled, waiting time, or any combination thereof, and which is duly licensed by the City of Portland as a taxicab.

16.90.360 Tire.

  1. The band of material used on the circumference of a wheel, on the outer face of a track or on a runner of a sled, which forms the tread that comes in contact with the surface of the road, or, if no band is used, then it means the tread or runner of a sled.

16.90.365 Traffic.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, and vehicles, either singly or together, while using any street or highway for purposes of movement or parking.

16.90.370 Traffic Congestion Thoroughfare.

  1. Any portion of a street or highway within the City affected by traffic congestion caused in whole or in part by the repeated driving of the same motor vehicles along or across that portion of the thoroughfare.

16.90.375 Traffic Control Device.

  1. A.  All signs, signals, markings, and devices consistent with this Title placed or operated by direction of the City Traffic Engineer for the purpose of guiding, directing, warning, or regulating traffic or parking.
  2. B.  Any device that remotely controls by electrical, electronic, sound, or light signal the operation of any device identified in subsection (A) of this definition.

16.90.380 Traffic Control Signal.

  1. Any device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is directed. An electric traffic control signal is considered inoperative when none of the signal control indications are illuminated.

16.90.385 Traffic Hazard.

(Amended by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.)

  1. Any object, including vehicles, that impede the safe movement of vehicles in the public right-of-way or, on City of Portland owned or operated property.

16.90.390 Traffic Lane.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. An area of a street or highway, designated by official signs or markings, as dedicated to the movement of one vehicle at a time.

16.90.400 Trolley or Streetcar.

(Amended by Ordinance 175564, effective May 9, 2001.) 

  1. An electric or diesel powered, steel wheeled rail vehicle, operating on steel rails, used to transport passengers.

16.90.405 Truck.

(Amended by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.)  

  1. Every motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, goods or providing a service, tow truck with passenger plates, step vans, vehicle length or width or height greater than original manufacturer's vehicle dimensions, and meeting the description as defined by DMV registration as a truck, van or pickup.

16.90.410 Truck Trailer.

  1. A vehicle which is not a recreational vehicle or utility trailer, is more than 16 feet in length, and is designed to be pulled by a motor vehicle.

16.90.420 Utility Trailer.

  1. A vehicle which is used to carry property, refuse, or special equipment, is 16 feet or less in length and is designed to be pulled by a motor vehicle. Boat trailers are included as utility trailers no matter what their length.

16.90.421 Valid Receipt.

(Added by Ordinance 179141, effective March 23, 2005.) 

  1. A parking meter receipt dispensed from a City of Portland Parking Meter device indicating the valid date, time purchased, expiration time, watermark, or any other identifications showing validity of receipt. The receipt issued is valid only in the designated meter district where purchased.

16.90.425 Vehicle.

(Amended by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon any street or highway. Bicycle is more specifically defined in Section 16.90.025.

16.90.430 Vehicle Alarm System.

  1. Any device, equipment, assembly, or system designed, arranged, or intended to sound an alarm horn, siren, klaxon, or other sound emitting device to signal an entry or attempted entry into, or tampering with, a vehicle.

16.90.435 Vendor.

  1. Any person who conducts business in the public right-of-way or any other public property.

16.90.440 Way.

(Added by Ordinance 177028, effective December 14, 2002.) 

  1. A facility for the movement of pedestrians, vehicles or goods, the specific user or users being determined by modifying words, such as road, bicycle, pedestrian, etc. Path and lane are synonyms for way, and likewise may be given a more specific meaning through use of a specified user or specific definition. See: Roadway, Pedestrian Way, Traffic Lane, Bicycle Path, et. al.

16.90.445 Wheelchair User Disabled Permit/Placard.

(Added by Ordinance 186575, effective July 1, 2014.)  

  1. Any official State-issued disabled person registration plate, placard, permit or decal specifically for the use of a wheelchair or similar low-powered, motorized or mechanically propelled vehicle designed specifically for use by a person with a physical disability.

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