16.30.240 Towing and Immobilization upon Order of Circuit Court.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinances 173369 and 187925, effective September 2, 2016.) 

  1. A.  Vehicles that have been used in the commission of a traffic or parking violation, for which an unserved warrant or citation is on file with the Multnomah County Circuit Court, may be immobilized and towed upon order of the court.
  2. B.  For the purposes of this Section, “immobilized” means the application of a device commonly known as a “boot”, which clamps and locks on to the wheel and impedes vehicle movement.
  3. C.  Any officer authorized by the City Council or by City Code to order a vehicle tow is authorized to immobilize a vehicle or order a vehicle immobilized as provided in this Section.