City Code Section
(Amended by Ordinances 165594, 172788, 176955 and 191736, effective July 1, 2024.)
- A. No person may store, or permit to be stored, a vehicle or other personal property on public right-of-way or other public property in excess of 24 hours without permission of the City Engineer, the City Traffic Engineer, or the Portland Permitting & Development.
- B. Failure to operate and move a vehicle or move nonvehicular property off of the block face within a 24-hour period constitutes prima facie evidence of storage and may be abated.
- C. Nonvehicular property stored for any amount of time in a metered space or regulated parking zone is a nuisance and may be summarily abated.
- D. Notwithstanding section A above, vehicles described in section 16.20.120 H and I are subject to the limitations established in those sections.