Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

15.04.040 Declaration of State of Emergency.

City Code Section
  1. A.  A state of emergency exists when the declaring official has declared that a state of emergency exists and:
    1. 1.   The situation requires coordination of response or policy beyond that which occurs routinely; or
    2. 2.   The required response is not achievable solely with the added resources available through mutual aid or cooperative assistance agreements.
  2. B.  The declaration will be in writing, will designate the geographic boundaries of the area in which the state of emergency exists, and will fix the duration of time in which the state of emergency will exist.
  3. C.  The state of emergency will be in effect for the period set forth in the declaration, but may not exceed 21 days in duration. If the Council does not extend the state of emergency upon request of the declaring official and Council does not otherwise modify or terminate the extension of an emergency declaration as provided in Portland City Code Section 15.04.050, the declaring official may extend the declaration in intervals of up to 14 days. If the Council extends the emergency by non-emergency ordinance, the declaring official may extend the declaration in intervals of up to 14 days until the effective date of the ordinance.
  4. D.  The declaring official must declare a state of emergency prior to requesting from the governing body of Multnomah County resources not available through mutual aid or cooperative assistance agreements.
  5. E.  The declaring official has authority to ask the Governor to declare a state of emergency within the City. Pursuant to ORS 401.165 (2), the declaring official must submit the request through the governing body of Multnomah County.
  6. F.   If the emergency declaration is still in effect when the emergency no longer exists or when the threat of an emergency has passed, the declaring official will terminate the state of emergency by declaration. The declaring official will communicate the change from the disaster response phase to the recovery phase with all appropriate officials.

Upcoming and Recent Changes

Ordinance Number 190756

Effective Date

Ordinance No. 190381

Effective Date

Ordinance No. 190381 has two effective dates:

Directive b is effective April 30, 2021:  Amend Titles 8, 15, 17, 21, and 30 of the Portland City Code, as shown in Exhibit B, Shelter to Housing Continuum Recommended Draft Volume Three—As-Amended, dated April 2021, but excluding the amendments to Subsection 17.14.070 H. Note:  Directive b changes updated online May 4, 2021.

Directive c is effective August 1, 2021:  Amend Title 29 and Subsection 17.14.070 H. of the Portland City Code as shown in Exhibit B, Shelter to Housing Continuum Recommended Draft Volume Three—As-Amended, dated April 2021. Note:  Directive c changes will be posted online around August 1, 2021.

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