Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Chapter 14C.30 General Procedures and Authority of the Bureau of Police

City Code Chapter

14C.30.010 Authority to Restrict Access to Certain Areas.

  1. A.  Whenever a threat to the public health or safety is created by any emergency, a Portland police officer may restrict or deny access to any persons to the area where such threat exists, for the duration of such threat, when the officer reasonably believes the presence of such persons would constitute a danger to themselves or others or would substantially interfere with the performance of the police or other emergency services. For purposes of this Section, an emergency includes, but is not limited to an escaped prisoner, a natural disaster, a fire, an explosion, an accident, a riot, the presence of an armed person, a hostage incident or a bomb threat.
  2. B.  Whenever it appears to be reasonably necessary to investigate, or to preserve or collect evidence of criminal acts, a police officer may restrict or deny access to any area.
  3. C.  As used in this Section, "restrict or deny access" means that a police officer has the authority to regulate or prohibit the presence or movement of persons or vehicles to, from, and within any area, to evacuate persons and to move or remove any property therefrom, until the reason for such restriction or denial of access no longer exists.
  4. D.  It is unlawful for any person to enter or to refuse to leave any area closed or restricted in access pursuant to Subsections (A) or (B) above, unless such person has specific statutory authority, or the permission of the on-scene ranking police officer, to be within such area.
  5. E.  In accordance with the authority granted by this Section, and in consideration of the law enforcement and emergency services needs involved, provision shall be made for reasonable access to such areas by members of the media for the purpose of news gathering and reporting. 

14C.30.020 Other Police Officers Authorized to Arrest, Cite, or Take Other Enforcement Action for Violations of City Code Provisions.

(Amended by Ordinances 184522, 185448 and 186053, effective January 1, 2015.) 

  1. Police officers, as defined in this Title, are authorized to arrest, issue a citation, or take other enforcement action for violations of the following City Code provisions:
  2. A.  All provisions of Title 11, Tree Regulations;
  3. B.  All provisions of Title 14, Public Order and Police;
  4. C.  All provisions of Title 16, Vehicles and Traffic;
  5. D.  All provisions of Title 18, Noise Control; and
  6. E.  All provisions of Title 20, Parks and Recreation.

14C.30.040 Seizure and Disposition of Weapons.

  1. A.  The Bureau of Police may seize and take possession of any dangerous or deadly weapon that is possessed unlawfully, or used unlawfully, or used for an unlawful purpose.  The weapon shall be held subject to disposal as provided in this Section.
  2. B.  If it is determined that the weapon was not possessed, carried, or used unlawfully, the weapon shall be released to the lawful owner if he or she files a timely written claim with the Bureau.
    1. 1.  A claim is timely if it is filed:
      1. a.  Within 60 days after the weapon was seized, if it was not held for use as evidence, or
      2. b.  Within 60 days after it was released by directive of the Chief of Police or court order, if it was held for use as evidence. 
    2. 2.  If there is a question as to ownership or right to possession, the weapon shall be released as ordered by the court.
  3. C.  If the name and address of a person entitled to claim possession of a weapon under Subsection B. is known to the Bureau of Police, the Bureau shall give that person notice as provided in Portland City Code 14C.20.
  4. D.  If the weapon is not claimed under the provisions of Subsection B. or was possessed, carried or used unlawfully by the owner, it is a nuisance.  Subject to a court order to the contrary, the weapon shall be disposed of as provided in Subsection E. to G.
  5. E.  Subject to approval of the, Property/Evidence Division, if the weapon is a firearm suitable for use by the Bureau of Police, it shall be added to the inventory of the Bureau.
  6. F.  Subject to Subsection C. if the weapon is a shotgun or rifle, it shall be delivered to the Property/Evidence Division, which shall dispose of it in the same manner as surplus property.  However, disposal shall be only to persons who have prequalified with the Property/Evidence Division as being licensed to sell firearms at retail.
  7. G.  Any weapon described in Subsection D. that is not disposed of as ordered by the court, or as provided in Subsection E. or F., shall be destroyed by the Property/Evidence Division.

14C.30.050 Seizure of Dangerous and Deadly Weapons for Safekeeping.

  1. If a police officer reasonably believes that a dangerous or deadly weapon may be used to cause serious harm to any person, the police officer may temporarily seize the weapon for safekeeping. If an officer seizes a weapon under this Section, he or she shall promptly turn the weapon into the Bureau of Police Property/Evidence Division.

14C.30.070 Authority of Tri-Met to Prohibit Misuse of Transit Shelters and Loading Platforms on City Property.

  1. A.  Tri-Met may make and enforce such ordinances and regulations as it deems necessary regarding misuse of transit shelters and transit loading platforms for the purpose of exclusion and criminal trespass.
  2. B.  For the purposes of this Section, the following definitions apply:
    1. 1.  Transit Shelter: the area within the drip line of any transit shelter within the limits of the City of Portland, except the Pioneer Square North and South stations.
    2. 2.  Transit loading platform: the area that extends the entire length of the tactile bricks where Tri-Met operated trains and trolleys load and unload within the limits of the City of Portland. This area extends from the tracks to one foot past the rear of the Tri-Met ticket vending machines, or to the farthest drip line of the transit shelter, whichever is farthest from the tactile bricks.

14C.30.080 Appeal of Designation as a Gang Affiliate.

  1. A.  Any person who is to be designated as a gang affiliate by the Police Bureau following the administrative hearing provided for in the Portland Police Bureau Manual of Policy and Procedure or who has unsuccessfully challenged a gang affiliate designation at such a hearing, has a right of appeal to the Code Hearings Officer.
  2. B.  The appeal authorized by this Section shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and under the conditions set forth in Chapter 22.10 of this Code.
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