City Code Section
- A. Regulated Property is subject to the following limitations:
- 1. Holding Period: Regulated Property acquired by any Dealer must be held for a period of 30 full days from the date of acquisition. Pawnbroker loan transactions are exempt from the 30-day hold requirements of Section 14B.90.090 because of the redeemable nature of the loans and the holding requirements in ORS 726. However, if the loan is converted to a buy by the pawnbroker within 30 days from the date of the pawn transaction, the difference between the original date of the pawn and the buy will count toward the 30-day hold requirement. All other provisions of Section 14B.90.090 remain in effect.
- 2. Requirements of Held Property: All Held Property must remain in the same form as when received, must not be sold, dismantled or otherwise disposed of, and must be kept separate and apart from all other property during the holding period to prevent theft or accidental sale and to allow for identification and examination by the Revenue Division or Police Bureau. Held Property must be kept at the Business Location during this holding period so that it can be inspected during normal business hours (as provided in Section 14B.90.110). Held Property, other than property on Police Hold, may be held in a place within public view, as long as the other requirements of the Subsection are met.
- B. Notwithstanding Subsection 14B.90.090 A., the Director may determine that certain types of transactions pose a reduced risk of being an outlet for the sale of stolen property and therefore may modify the hold period and/or reporting requirements for those types of transactions. Those transactions and the modified requirements are described in the Administrative Rules.
- C. Upon reasonable belief that an item of Regulated Property is the subject of a crime, any peace officer may provide notice to any Dealer that a specifically described item of Regulated Property must be held in a separate Police Hold area for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of notification, and is subject to the requirements of Subsection 14B.90.090 A.2 above. The hold may be extended an additional 30 days upon notice provided to the Dealer that additional time is needed to determine whether a specific item of Regulated Property is the subject of a crime. The Dealer shall comply with the hold notice and notify the Chief of Police of the hold notice not later than five calendar days from the day the notice was received, either by telephone, fax, email, or in person. A Dealer must notify the Chief of Police of their intent to dispose of any item of Regulated Property under Police Hold at least 10 days prior to doing so.
- 1. A Police Hold area must meet the following criteria:
- a. Located out of public view and access, and
- b. Marked “Police Hold,” and
- c. Contain only items that have been put on Police Hold.
- 2. Dealers may maintain up to three Police Hold areas as necessary for the safe storage of high value items, physically large items, and general merchandise put on Police Hold.
- 3. If it is not possible or practical to move an item to or store an item in the Police Hold area, a Dealer may submit a written request to the Chief of Police for approval to keep the item with other Held Property. Approval may be granted with the understanding that the item will be clearly marked as being on Police Hold and kept from public view and access.
- 1. A Police Hold area must meet the following criteria:
- D. Upon probable cause that an item of property is the subject of a crime, the Chief of Police may take physical custody of the item or provide written notice to any Dealer to hold such property for a period of time as determined by the Chief of Police, not to exceed the statute of limitations for the crime being investigated. Any property placed on hold pursuant to this subsection is subject to the requirements found in Subsection 14B.90.090 A.2., and will be maintained in the Police Hold area unless seized or released by the Police. Seizure of property will be carried out in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes.
- E. If a Dealer acquires Regulated Property with serial numbers, personalized inscriptions or initials, or other identifying marks which have been destroyed or are illegible due to obvious normal use, the Dealer must continue to hold the property at the Business Location for a period of 90 full days after acquisition. The Dealer must notify the Portland Police Bureau by adding "90 day hold" to the description of the item in the transaction record, along with a notation of what kind of information has been destroyed or is illegible. The Held Property must conform to all the requirements found in Subsection 14B.90.090 A.2.
- F. If a Dealer receives information that leads to an objectively reasonable basis to believe that any property already at their Business Location has been previously lost or stolen, they must report that belief to the Portland Police Bureau by day's end. The notice must include the reporting system item number and any additional information regarding the name of the owner, if known.
- G. If a peace officer seizes any property from a Dealer; the Dealer must notify the Portland Police Bureau of the seizure not later than five calendar days from the day the seizure occurs. The Dealer must provide the name of the agency, the name of the peace officer, the number of the receipt left for the seizure, and the seized property information. Notification to the Police Bureau may be given by telephone, fax, email, or in person.