City Code Section
- A. No Person or business shall engage in, conduct or carry on a secondhand dealer business in the City without a valid Secondhand Dealer Permit issued by the Revenue Division.
- B. Upon acquiring or offering for sale more than 50 items of Regulated Property during any one-year period, an Occasional Secondhand Dealer shall apply for and obtain a Secondhand Dealer Permit before acquiring any more items of Regulated Property.
- C. Any Person or business that advertises or otherwise holds him/herself out to be acquiring or offering for sale Regulated Property within the City will be presumed to be operating as a Dealer subject to the terms of Chapter 14B.90.
- D. The sale of Regulated Property at events commonly known as "garage sales," "yard sales," or "estate sales," is exempt from these regulations if all of the following are present:
- 1. No sale exceeds a period of 72 consecutive hours; and
- 2. No more than four sales are held at the same location in any twelve-month period.