City Code Section
- A. It is unlawful for any person to program an automatic dialing device to select a primary trunk line, and it is unlawful for an alarm user to fail to disconnect or reprogram an automatic dialing device which is programmed to select a primary trunk line within 12 hours of receipt of written notice from the Administrator that it is so programmed.
- B. It is unlawful for any person to program an automatic dialing device to select any telephone line assigned to the City, and it is unlawful for an alarm user to fail to disconnect or reprogram such device within 12 hours of receipt of written notice from the Administrator that an automatic dialing is so programmed.
- C. A violation of this Section may subject the violator to a fine or other civil penalties at the discretion of the System Administrator; however, the System Administrator shall assess no penalties until or unless notice of the violation is provided to the alarm user and they fail to cure the violation within 30 days of notification.