City Code Section
- A. Fines shall be assessed by the System Administrator for excessive false alarms during a permit year. The fine and fee schedule shall be set through the annual budget process and subject to review by the City Budget Office with all Portland Police Bureau fees and charges. This is in accordance with guidelines provided in FIN-2.06.
- B. The Alarm Administration Unit will send a written notification of any false alarm incident to notify the alarm user, alarm business, and/or alarm system monitoring company. The notice will set forth the fine and the consequences of the failure to pay the fine. The notice shall also acquaint the recipient with the relevant appeals process and their right to appeal the validity of the false alarm to the Administrator or designee in case of absence or leave of service, as provided in Section 14B.10.120.
- C. The first false alarm notice in a permit year will not be assessed a fine and instead will act as a warning. No further warnings without a fine may be assesses in a permit year.
- D. If the payment of the fine has not been received in the Alarm Administration Unit within 30 days of the date the written notice of fine was mailed by the Administrator, and there is no appeal pending on the validity of the false alarm, the Administrator will send an overdue notice to the alarm user, alarm business, or alarm system monitoring company by certified mail, along with a notice of late fee.
- E. If payment of all fines and late fees is not received within 10 days of the day the notice of late fee was mailed, the System Administrator will initiate the no response process according to Section 14B.10.090 and may initiate the enforcement of penalties according to Section 14B.10.150.
- F. The payment of any fine shall not be deemed to extend the term of the permit.