City Code Section
- A. In addition to an alarm business’ duty to inspect permits prior to initial activation as outlined in Subsection 14B.10.030 B. above, every alarm business selling, leasing or furnishing to any user an alarm system that is installed on the premises located in the area subject to this Chapter shall furnish the user with instructions that provide information to enable the user to properly operate the alarm system at any time. Alarm businesses shall create and maintain a standard instruction form for this purpose and document the dissemination of this form to consumers.
- B. All alarm businesses shall, on an annual basis, submit their standard instruction form to the System Administrator no later than January 31 of each year. If the System Administrator reasonably finds such instructions to be incomplete, misleading, unclear or inadequate, the System Administrator may require the alarm business to revise the instruction to comply with this Chapter and to re-distribute the revised instruction to its alarm users. Penalties for noncompliance should re-instruction be required may include, but not be limited to, fines, costs, or restrictions on local business licenses.