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13.40.030 Large Livestock.

City Code Section
  1. Large Livestock may only be kept on lots 20,000 square feet or greater that allow agricultural uses through Title 33: Zoning, or that have an approved conditional use.
  2. A.  Maximum number
    1. 1.  Two (2) standard goats, standard sheep, miniature horses, or other similarly sized livestock are allowed on lots 20,000 square feet or greater. One (1) additional animal is allowed for each 10,000 square feet greater than 20,000 square feet.
    2. 2.  One (1) horse, cow, llama or similarly sized livestock is allowed on lots 20,000 square feet or greater. One (1) additional animal is allowed for each 20,000 square feet greater than 20,000 square feet.
  3. B.  Additional standard for Large Livestock. It is unlawful to picket any Large Livestock or allow them to roam, so that it may approach within 50 feet of any building used as a residence, or any commercial building in which foodstuff is prepared, kept or sold.
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