Chapter 13.20 Administration and Enforcement

City Code Chapter

13.20.010 Administration and Enforcement; Powers and Duties of Director.

  1. A.  It shall be the responsibility of the Director to enforce the provisions of this Title.
  2. B.  The Director is authorized to inspect property for the purpose of enforcing this Title. Persons designated by the Director to enforce this Title shall bear satisfactory identification reflecting the authority under which they act and such identification shall be shown to any person requesting it.
  3. C.  The Director may adopt procedures, forms and penalties necessary for administering and exercising the authority under this Title.

13.20.020 Existing Specified Animal Facility Permit Holders.

  1. A.  Bees. If the number of permitted hives as of August 1, 2020 exceeds the number allowed by this Title, the number of hives may be maintained if the provisions of this Title and the conditions of approval of the permit issued by Multnomah County are met.
  2. B.  Livestock. If the number of permitted livestock animals as of August 1, 2020 exceeds the number allowed by this Title, the animals be will allowed to be kept through the reminder of their lives but may not be replaced beyond the number currently allowed by this Title. Permitted animals that were on site as of August 1, 2020 that are no longer allowed under Title 13 (e.g., livestock only allowed in zones where agricultural uses are allowed) may live out their lives but cannot be replaced. The provisions of this Title and the conditions of approval of the permit issued by Multnomah County must be met.