City Code Chapter
11.15.010 Tree Planting and Preservation Fund.
(Amended by Ordinance 189514, effective June 21, 2019.)
- A. Purpose. The purpose of the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund is to facilitate tree planting, to ensure mitigation or tree replacement when tree preservation or tree density standards are not met on a particular site, and to advance the City’s goals for the urban forest and intend to achieve equitable distribution of tree-related benefits across the City.
- B. Expenditures. Money in the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund may be used only as follows:
- 1. To plant trees on public or private property, including streets. Planting trees includes the cost of materials and labor necessary to install and establish a tree for a 5 year period;
- 2. To purchase conservation easements for the perpetual retention of trees and tree canopy. Such conservation easements shall allow the City to replace trees that are removed when they die or become dangerous; and
- 3. To acquire land to permanently protect existing trees or groves.
- C. Contributions. Contributions to the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund may occur through a number of means, including:
- 1. Payment made in lieu of tree replacement as part of a tree permit issued as stated in Chapter 11.40;
- 2. Payment made in lieu of preservation or planting where site or street characteristics or construction requirements make it infeasible to meet the requirements of Chapter 11.50;
- 3. Payment of restoration fees for enforcement actions for Private Trees; and
- 4. Voluntary contributions.
- D. Administration of the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund. The Tree Planting and Preservation Fund is administered by the City Forester, maintained in a dedicated separate account, and is independent of the general fund. Any balance in the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund will be carried forward into subsequent fiscal years.
11.15.020 Urban Forestry Fund.
- A. Purpose. The purpose of the Urban Forestry Fund is to replace Street or City Trees illegally removed or damaged, to enhance the urban forest through the planting of new Street or City Trees, and to increase public awareness of trees, tree care, and values of the urban forest.
- B. Expenditures. Money in the Urban Forestry Fund may be used as follows:
- 1. To replace, establish, and maintain Street or City Trees illegally removed or damaged;
- 2. To plant, establish and maintain Street or City Trees where, in the judgment of the Forester, they will enhance the values of the Urban Forest;
- 3. To provide education, outreach and technical assistance to the community; and
- 4. Other Forestry-related actions or programs, as determined by the City Forester.
- C. Contributions. Contributions to the Urban Forestry Fund may occur through a number of means as established by the City Forester, including:
- 1. Payment of restoration fees, civil penalties, or civil remedies resulting from City or Street Tree enforcement actions; and
- 2. Voluntary contributions
- D. Administration of Urban Forestry Fund. The Urban Forestry Fund is administered by the City Forester, maintained in a dedicated separate account, and is independent of the general fund. Any balance in the Urban Forestry Fund will be carried forward into subsequent fiscal years.
11.15.030 Charitable Contributions.
- The City Forester may accept, on behalf of the City, gifts and contributions which are specifically designated for the purpose of planting or maintaining trees within the City. Gifts may include: nursery stock and planting supplies, vehicles, tools, pro bono consultation, education and outreach services, and real property for the purposes of open space and tree planting or preservation. Contributions may also be made to the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund or Urban Forestry Fund as described in this Chapter. Nothing in this Section obligates the City Forester to accept such gifts when the City Forester determines it is not in the best interests of the City to do so.
11.15.040 Annual Report.
(Amended by Ordinance 189514, effective June 21, 2019.)
- The City Forester will provide an annual report to the Urban Forestry Commission and City Council at the end of each fiscal year. The report will include any charitable contributions received, as well as fund revenues collected and spent and the end balance in each fund. The report should also include recommendations for future expenditures of the funds and means to optimize those expenditures in the upcoming fiscal year.
- A. Tree Planting and Preservation Fund. The report will include a general inventory of the funds collected and number and types of trees planted or area protected through preservation easements or acquisition.
- B. The Urban Forestry Fund. The report will include an accounting of revenues collected and expenditures.