About Welcoming Week
Welcoming Week is an annual campaign committed to building inclusive, safe, and equitable communities for immigrants and refugees. All activities are free, open to the public and include a focus on access to resources and cultural experiences including art, food, and music. Welcoming Week was launched in 2012 by the nonprofit Welcoming America to provide individuals and communities the opportunity to proclaim welcoming values through events and local initiatives that foster mutual understanding between immigrants and non-immigrants, as well as deeper belonging for all.
At its core, Welcoming Week encourages not just cities, towns, counties, and nations, but also the institutions within them, to fully embrace and celebrate what defines their communities as welcoming and inclusive. By doing so, we showcase how this sense of welcoming profoundly contributes to nurturing a sense of belonging for all individuals, with a particular focus on immigrants.
Welcoming Week 2024 Schedule of Events
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Thank you to our 2024 sponsors!
Welcoming Week Videos
Past Welcoming Week Celebrations
Learn about past City of Portland Welcoming Week celebrations!