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Neighborhood Association Standards and City Code

City Code Title 3.96 is the authorizing language for Portland's neighborhood system and directs the Office of Community & Civic Life to develop Standards.

What are the Standards for Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, Business Associations and Office of Neighborhood Involvement ?   What is City Code 3.96 ?

Since 1974 Portland City Council has set minimum standards to guide Portland's neighborhood system.  City Code Title 3.96 is the authorizing language for Portland's neighborhood system and directs the Office of Community & Civic Life to develop Standards.  

The ONI Standards are the regulations for Neighborhood Associations, Business District Associations and District Coalitions to follow in order to be recognized (or acknowledged in the case of Business Associations) by the City's Office of Community & Civic Life. 

Included are minimum standards such as:

  • Topics  to be included in Association bylaws,

  • Benefits of being recognized by the City,

  • What communication funds can be spent on,

  • How conflicts are resolved through the grievance process,

  • Open meetings and public records rules,

  • The roles of District Coalitions and Civic Life to serve the Neighborhood Associations.

Portland City Council adopted an update of Standards for Portland neighborhood system July 13, 2005

The citizen-led committee, Guidelines Review Empowerment and Assessment Taskforce (GREAT) submitted its final draft update of Standards governing Portland’s neighborhood system in the spring of 2005.  On July 13, 2005 City Council adopted ordinance #179418 updating "City Code Title 3.96, Office of Neighborhood Involvement ", and resolution #36329 updating the "Standards for Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, Business District Associations and the Office of Neighborhood Involvement ".

Where can I find suggested bylaws language?

Neighborhood Associations will need to make sure that their by-laws comply with the ONI Standards.  A Suggested Bylaw Template for Neighborhood Associations was created and can be used to assist with this updating. 


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