Neighborhood Associations
There are 94 City-recognized neighborhood associations within the City of Portland. Each neighborhood association serves a geographic neighborhood boundary. City Code chapter 3.96 creates a framework by which the people of the City of Portland may effectively participate in civic affairs and work to improve the livability and character of their neighborhoods and the City. Chapter 3.96 sets out the basis for City recognition of neighborhood associations and district coalitions, and the responsibilities and benefits accruing thereto. This code directs City staff to adopt and revise Standards that govern neighborhood associations, district coalitions and the Office of Community & Civic Life (Civic Life).
Portland neighborhoods are grouped into four neighborhood districts. Each district is supported by a nonprofit district coalition office (DCO); DCOs receive funding support through Civic Life. Support for neighborhood associations includes:
- Placement in the City's public directory of neighborhoods
- Recognition on PortlandMaps
- Notifications by agencies of the City as required in the City Code on matters that fall within the neighborhood association boundaries in regard to planning efforts, policy matters, and decisions affecting the livability, safety, and/or economic vitality of a neighborhood
- Operational support services such as a mailing address, assistance with communications, training and other technical assistance
- Promotion of neighborhood association work through Civic Life's social media and monthly newsletter
Neighborhood Association Structure and Standards
Neighborhood associations are incorporated in the state of Oregon as nonprofit organizations. Through Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, neighborhood associations construct models of governance that fit their unique needs. Each association agrees to abide by the city's Standards to receive recognition and benefits.
Find Your Neighborhood Association
Find out which neighborhood association serves your neighborhood by visiting Portland Maps. Enter your address and the result screen will show a map on the left and property information on the right. Click on the neighborhood name listed on the right to view neighborhood association information.
Find Your Neighborhood Association
History of Neighborhood Associations
In 1974, the City of Portland created the Office of Neighborhood Associations. In part, the City prioritized creating this bureau to support Portland’s unique commissioner form of government.
At the time, city commissioners represented the entire city, unlike other cities that elected politicians to advocate for the needs of their district. By creating the Office of Neighborhood Associations, the City established a framework for residents to engage in City decision-making, to identify needs of each neighborhood, and allow neighbors' interests to be represented in land use and development decisions.
50 years later, the bureau remains committed to support the work of neighborhood associations and has expanded support to include more community groups. The current bureau name Office of Community & Civic Life reflects that there are many ways residents organize.
Sign Up to Receive Updates
Sign-up for the Civic Life monthly newsletter for funding opportunities, updates on resources and services offered by the City of Portland, opportunities for civic engagement, volunteerism and public input opportunities for City-led projects.
Sign Up for Civic Life Updates
Neighborhood Association Contact Lists
If you are a city employee and need a comprehensive list of neighborhood association contacts, please visit this page.
For members of the public, each neighborhood page lists neighborhood association contact information. If you need a list that includes contacts for several different neighborhood associations, please email your request to
District Offices
The city is divided into four council districts. Neighborhoods in each district are served by a nonprofit organization that receives funding from the city. Learn more about nonprofit DCO governance, their agreements with the city and annual reports:
- Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws
- Executed Agreements for FY 21-22
- Annual Narrative Reports FY 20-21
- Semi-Annual Narrative Reports FY 20-21
District and Neighborhood Boundaries
District boundaries can be viewed on Portland Maps at the link below. Use the Layers tool to view neighborhood boundaries.
Contact Information
Contact and other information for each district office can be found at the link below.
Bylaw Template Recommended Language
Notice List for Recognized Organizations: A list of all the possible public notices that a recognized organization could receive with an explanation of the notice, how it is delivered, who sends the notice and who receives it, and whether there is any action that the recognized organization could consider making in response to the notice.